July 2009

  • Are young people really worried about climate change?

    I wrote the following on June 20th, and tracked down Pete Williams from Somerfield, asking for a copy of the report that Bjorn Lomborg seems to have been so impressed by.  Alas, I've heard nothing.  Time to chase again, perhaps....

  • Judging the Effectiveness of a Sustainable School

    This essay explores a central question for all those involved in education and sustainability (ESD): What are you really most interested in: educational or social outcomes—what learners learn, or what they do? Although this is hardly a new question, the paper argues that...

  • What to do about all that University Carbon

    Under the heading: "Let's have a heated debate: Universities are about to be given targets for carbon reduction – expect arguments about the best approach", the Guardian recently explored the issue of how UK universities might contribute to the UK's carbon-reduction...

  • A Sustainable Schools Question

    The government’s target is that all English schools will be sustainable by 2020.  Although it's not clear what this will actually have to mean in practice, it does suggest (implicitly at any rate) that focusing on the sustainability of a school, as...

  • [Re-]thinking Allowed

    1. I'm grateful to a school-based colleague who recently said to me that what schools need to do is to emphasise re-thinking rather than re-cycling.   Indeed!  was my first thought.  Then I wondered why I'd not come up with...

  • Schools, the Learning Society and Sustainability

    Schools, as institutions, need to be seen as an integral part of the wider learning society with the key role of supporting young people in the early stages of acquiring those wide-ranging understandings and capabilities that they will need to continue...

  • SDC Discovers Outdoor Learning – Shock

    The Sustainable Development Commission argues, plausibly enough, that "... We have still not seen the kind of transformation (to sustainability) that is needed".  In response, It launched in 2008 'Breakthroughs for the 21st Century' with the aim of creating a...

  • UK National Sustainable Schools Conference

    I was pleased to be asked to make a keynote presentation to the second of this series of four conferences  organised by SEEd.  This was in Preston on Monday.  Here's what I said: international-and-uk-contexts-for-learning

  • Understanding School to Home Transfer of Learning

    Teachers and schools are well practised in helping young people develop a wide range of awareness, understanding and skills.  This is, after all, their core purpose.  They obviously achieve these goals through what they teach, but they also do it...

  • The Primary Review – and ESD

    I'm very grateful to Ben Ballin, of Tide~, for drawing to my attention a significant piece of text from the Cambridge Primary Review: children, their world, their education.  As I noted in an earlier posting, there is some controversy as...