Critical Thinking for Development Education

Posted in: Talks and Presentations

To Galway for the 2009 DERN conference: Critical Thinking for Development Education – moving from evaluation to research.  Good to be back in Ireland and once more amongst development education types many of whose assumptions and ways of thinking I find can be quite different from my own, and all the more stimulating for that.  I think that even managed the beginnings of a glimmer of understanding about what 'global citizenship' might actually mean from a talk that raised the work of Nigel Dower at Aberdeen.  His focus (if I understand it at all) on an active social engagement that accepts global responsibility, seems clearly to position GC as a looked-for outcome of education programmes focused on sustainability – although responsibility for what, seems a necessary question.

I was invited there to talk about the 'from evaluation to research' part of the agenda and spoke with a researcher from Nuremberg whose analytic take on the issues complemented my own rather more eclectic approach, drawing on the work that we've done at Bath (particularly Alan Reid and myself).  My Galway text is attached.

Posted in: Talks and Presentations


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