Where there's LIFE, there's ...

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

... well, enormous hope and expectation at the very least.

LiFE (Learning in Future Environments) is EAUC's rebranded, refurbished and soon-to-be relaunched Universities that Count project.  It is funded by the four UK Higher Education Funding Councils: the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and Department for Employment and Learning Northern Ireland (DELNI), so it comes with the best of official sponsorship, and a range of partners and supporters.

LIFE is not short of confidence:

"LiFE is a comprehensive performance improvement system developed specifically to help colleges and universities to manage, measure, improve and promote their social responsibility and sustainability performance."

This strap line is the sort of extravagent promise that often finds hubris skulking behind it, waiting its chance.  I hope not, but we'll see.  At the very least, LIFE is a great title, much better than the ambiguity of Universities that Count.  It also lends itself to a glorious range of punning extensions:

LIFEbelt – LIFE cycle – LIFEguard  – LIFEjacket – LIFEline – LIFEstyle – LIFEtime – high LIFE – low LIFE –

... and the LIFElike.  Inevitably, this has begun – with LIFE cycle.  My money's on LIFEtime as the next.

I should declare an interest as I have a bit part in LIFE's evolving self-awareness through its Learning, Teaching and Research advisory panel.  Apparently I am representing the UN Decade for Sustainable Development (sic) which will be as much a surprise to the UN as it was to me.  Let's hope that LIFE turns out to more carefully carried out than the compilation of  this list.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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