It's university league table time again

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

I see that the University is now 3rd in the Sunday Times League table (up from 5th).  My very limited straw poll yesterday suggests a degree of incredulity as to how this is possible, and puzzlement as to what it can mean.  As such, the comment on Registrarism seems apt ...

It’s not entirely clear why there are such dramatic leaps in and out of the Top 20 but it does raise some questions about the methodology here.  The impact of one year changes to National Student Survey scores and employment rates, both of which can be exaggerated by the scaling used here, would seem to be at the heart of this.  On the plus side you can play with the tables to create your own until you get the outcome you wish.

Just so.  Enjoy while it lasts, I'd say, but with a light heart.  Meanwhile, the Telegraph has a piece on rival methodologies of the two most prominent international tables.  This illustrates how, as a table manager, you can create a table to promote what you value.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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