Some sustainability principles to your planning and projects – and life

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The following ten principles are taken from SustNav – which promotes them as a guide to navigating lasting solutions, and as a basis of its assessments, training and guidance (and as a means of steering its projects and campaigns).

  1. Develop sustainability skills Learn and share the ‘why' and ‘how' of sustainability. Lead the way and inspire others to follow.
  2. Improve health and well-being Support healthy homes and workplaces; safe and green environments; and active, caring communities.
  3. Reduce inequalities Reduce inequalities at home and abroad, in access to: basic goods and services; work, learning and leisure opportunities; and a decent home.
  4. Cut resource use Use less and cut carbon (and other greenhouse gas) emissions, water use, waste, and pollution; use materials wisely including increasing the use of renewable energy.
  5. Support low carbon economies Support a low carbon approach to economic development - including jobs, innovation and enterprise, built development and renewable energy generation.
  6. Reduce high carbon travel Support low carbon access including walking, cycling, efficient public transport, ICT access and mobile/local service delivery. Fly as a last resort.
  7. Live local Use local goods and services and nurture and celebrate the distinctiveness, diversity and heritage that make a place special.
  8. Revive our life support systems Protect and support our natural ‘life support systems' - air, water, land and overall biodiversity.
  9. Be inclusive Support wider, more informed participation in local and global challenges. Involve all affected groups in decisions and developments.
  10. Think long term Take account of changes on the horizon - including climate change - and think in a joined up way to arrive at more resilient solutions.

And here is Lesley Watson explaining how it works.

To me, this is a mix of the sensible and the difficult to do, as there is a limit in relation to what you can do as an individual – even when working with other individuals both within and outwith families.  I wonder what Sustnav would make of action competence which the late Keith Bishop and I wrote about some years ago, and whose ideas Elsa Lee has used more recently in her splendid PhD set in primary school green groups.


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