New Standards in Australian HE

Posted in: Comment, New Publications

There are new national standards for Environment and Sustainability in higher education across Australia whose role is to "support the design and delivery of innovative higher education in the Environment and Sustainability field".  They are included in the newly published Learning and Teaching Academic Standards Statement for Environment and Sustainability.

The standards are grouped into four domains:

  1. Transdisciplinary knowledge
  2. Systemic understanding
  3. Skills for environment and sustainability
  4. Ethical practice.

They have been endorsed by the Australian Council of Environmental Deans and Directors (ACEDD) which commissioned their development.  The Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching provided grant funding for the development work.  An infographic summarising the development of the standards is available here.

It's good to see this work being done, and is something that will merit careful scrutiny, particularly in relation to the vexed question of skills.  Expect further comment about this.

Posted in: Comment, New Publications


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