What might be the shortest report in the world

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

UCL's Development Education Research Centre (DERC) has been commissioned by UNESCO to prepare a briefing paper on Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Education within the training of teachers.

It's looking for any examples around the world of initiatives that bring these themes into the training of teachers and any relevant literature or research.  The specific questions it has been asked to consider are:

  • What are common ways of preparing teachers in the areas of ESD and GCED?
  • What is the best methodology to monitor the GCED and ESD-related training of teachers, particularly at the level of ITE, from a comparative perspective? Have there been any attempts to compare the efforts of countries in including ESD and GCED in their teacher education curricula and practice? What obstacles need to be overcome to draw such comparisons at a global level?
  • What is the available evidence base on the extent to which GCED and ESD are included in ITE and materials in different countries, as well as CPD programmes? Using examples from at least ten countries in four different regions, what are the most emphasized GCED and ESD-related issues in teacher training?
  • What could be the best mechanisms to improve GCED and ESD-related teacher education?
  • What are the prospects (given the current situation and the available evidence) that systems will meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals 4.7 target in relation to teacher education by 2030?

If you are in a position to send any relevant material or wish to discuss these points, contact Doug Bourn , d.bourn@ucl.ac.uk – by mid October.


My report would be: "First, change the nature of the training of teachers; only then think about all this."  I said it was short.

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates


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