A Green Light in the South-west for a lot of presentation

Posted in: Comment, Talks and Presentations

I'm told that Green Light South-west will be holding an ESD Teachmeet next month.  I've never been to one of those (sheltered life, etc), and so I'm going along on March 2nd.  I do wonder, though, whether I'll (or anyone else) will get a chance to contribute anything.

The organisers (SWLfSC) say that the "emphasis is on sharing ideas, good practice, and pedagogy across the region", that it's "an invitation to all teachers engaged in developing teaching and learning for Sustainable Development (ESD)", and that there will be "short and lively teaching and learning inputs" on the following:

  • ESD Current context for teachers and teaching - Justin Dillon
  • Systems thinking in the classroom - Stephen Sterling
  • Free CPD programmes on sustainability education - Paul Vare
  • Recycling and resource use - ideas for the classroom - Sheila Gundry
  • Outdoor learning using the John Muir approach, reconnecting with the elements. KS 1-2 - Clare Moody
  • 5 talks from teachers
  • a plenary discussion of quality education and ESD - Mairi Kershaw

I make that 10 inputs before the plenary.  At 10 minutes each that comes to an hour and 40 minutes out of a 2 hour slot.  Then there'll be the introduction to the plenary ...

Details, if you're tempted, from Kelly.Fry@Bristol.ac.uk ...

Posted in: Comment, Talks and Presentations


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