SARS-CoV-19 lockdown Haiku

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I've been writing limericks with my grandchildren.  Although I never find it easy to construct a good one where the story develops through the 5 lines, it's usually a fun process. [*]

I was tempted to write haiku with them, but didn't.  With haiku, it's a relatively trivial process to generate the 3 lines and 17 syllables needed, but fiendishly hard to write one that does justice to the genre.  They are ideally suited to environmental themes.

Here's the haiku that I've contributed to the latest volume of NAEE's Environmental Education.  It was in response to a request for people's experience of the virus-induced lockdown.  I'll let you judge the quality ...

People hide away

Held hostage by a virus.

Butterflies blossom


[*] I once had a limerick censored.  Fittingly, it was in Limerick where my gentle satire on the poor management of a conference was wiped from the record by a humourless organiser.  This was a long time ago, and he will have forgotten.  I obviously haven't.

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