News and Updates

  • Graduating from Destitution

    A recent Free Exchange column in the Economist was a feature on helping the world's most poor people to help themselves.  It begins: "THE poor do not just lack money. They are also often short of basic know-how, the support of...

  • WSSD-U-2016

    For all those who've still got withdrawal symptoms from WEEC 15, along comes WSSD-U-2016.  I know it sounds like a WW2 submarine, but it's another conference (as if the poor Earth hadn't had enough already).  So, if you're anywhere Boston next September,...

  • Another thought for August

    A (kind) colleague in the US sent this to me wondering about the state of our education system.  As a mix of credulity and ignorance, it is almost beyond comment.

  • 10 Green Groups

    ... have written to No. 10 to complain about government policy on the environment.  The NAEE website has the detail. The signatories style themselves: "the leaders of ten leading UK charities concerned with protection of the environment", which made me wonder why...

  • Anyone for EYD?

    Did you know it was the EYD? I didn't either.  I still didn't, when someone explained that EYD stood for the European Year of Development.  This, it seems, is an EU gambit that's setting out to increase our understanding of the...

  • Ahelo Goodbye

    Last week's THE has this headline: World’s university ‘oligopoly’ accused of blocking OECD bid to judge learning quality ... with a great image of great animals blocking a US highway (that is, the economy and implied progress).  There were no pictures of...

  • Addis Ababa's Alliterative Action Agenda

    As I noted earlier, the UN 3rd International Conference on Financing for Development took place in July in Addis Ababa.  The UN says it was a success: Countries reach historic agreement to generate financing for new sustainable development agenda. Countries today...

  • Which fossil fuel subsidies would you cut?

    If you are of a particular frame of mind, it is fashionable these days to call for renewable energy subsidies to be cut / phased out / stopped (according to taste).  They are, after all, inflating our tax and electricity...

  • The Big Path Watch – how was it for you?

    The Ramblers are encouraging us all, through its big path watch, to adopt a local grid square, walk all the rights of way within it, and report back to them on any problems found, and more generally, on how it...

  • Is ELSA about to be born again?

    I've not written about ELSA recently as there has not been anything to say.  For example, its development group has not met for over a year, and it has not made any recent contribution to national debate about sustainability and...