Case Studies

  • Flipping Exercise Science

    Flipping Project Case Study: Tim Lawrenson presents a case study of the pilot Flipping Project in Health on the Strength and Conditioning course.

  • Flipping French Grammar

    Flipping Project Case Study: Sandrine Alegre presents a case study of the pilot Flipping Project in PoLIS for the French Grammar course.

  • Flipping Quantum Physics

    Flipping Project Case Study: Dr Alessandro Narduzzo presents a case study of the pilot Flipping Project in the Department of Physics for the Introduction to Quantum Physics unit.

  • Feedback options

    Dr John Chew from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Bath describes how he introduces students to verbal and written feedback on his course and provides to option to receive feedback on some work.

  • Encouraging participation in lectures

    Dr John Chew from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Bath discusses how he encourages participation gradually in the early lectures of a course.

  • Tickables: low-stakes assessment

    Prof James Davenport of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bath discusses using frequent low-stakes pass/fail assessment in the build up to coursework to prepare students.

  • The Apprentice Model

    Prof James Davenport of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bath describes how he teaches programming as a skill via a version of the apprentice model, scaled up to 300 students.

  • Rhetoric Conference with Professional Speechwriter

    Dr David Moon of the Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies at the University of Bath discusses the Rhetoric Conference which students attended alongside academics, including the key presence of a professional political speech-writer.

  • Speech writing assignments

    Dr David Moon of the Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies at the University of Bath describes how he asks his students to write their assignment as a speech rather than an essay, whilst analysing their own rhetorical techniques and processes.

  • Using debates

    Dr David Moon of the Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies at the University of Bath discusses why and how he uses parliamentary style debates as student activities in his course.