NIHR Public Health Research programme - new funding opportunities available

Posted in: HealthResSW

New National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Public Health Research programme calls for proposals:

Commissioned call for proposals

Applicants are invited to submit proposals on the following commissioning briefs:


Commissioning brief title

Proposal type

Submission deadline

10/3001 Encourage walking and cycling to work Outline 23 August 2010, 5pm
10/3002 Alcohol misuse by children Outline 23 August 2010, 1pm
10/3004 Traveller communities Direct to full 26 July 2010, 1pm

To find out more about how to apply and download the full commissioning briefs visit the Public Health Research programme's website:

Researcher-led call for proposals

The next cut-off date for submitting researcher-led outline proposals is Monday 6 September 2010, before 1pm. Potential applicants should visit the Public Health Research programme's website:

Suggest a research topic

We welcome suggestions of public health topics that require further research. Anyone can make a suggestion online at:

Please tell others about us

We would be grateful if colleagues could forward this information on to others within the public health field that may be interested in the funding opportunities presented by the Public Health Research programme.


tel: 023 8059 9695



Posted in: HealthResSW