Introduction to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) in Primary Care

Posted in: HealthResSW

Introduction to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) in Primary Care: A practical guide to ethical and scientific quality standards in clinical research

Date & Time
Tuesday 14th February 2012

8.45am Registration
9.15am Start (Lunch Provided)
4.30pm Finish

Hathaway Medical Centre
Middlefield Road
Chippenham SN14 6GT

Samantha Stressing & Samantha Wilkinson
PCRN SW Research Officers

A new Good Clinical Practice (GCP) workshop has been created by the NIHR which is aimed specifically at professionals taking part in research in Primary Care & we are happy to be able to offer this to practices in Chippenham & the surrounding areas.

This course is recommended for all staff members (including GP’s, practice nurses, practice managers, administration staff, etc.) who contribute to research studies & is *free* to attend for all PCIS practices who work on NIHR studies. Once you have attended this session, your certificate will last you for 2 years.

Please find further details below & attached poster. Please be aware that spaces are limited & will fill up quickly so please don’t delay! To book a place on this course, please register on the Learning Management System: & book on under “My Learning Plan”. If you need any assistance in booking please do not hesitate to contact:

Samantha Stressing (Research Officer)
Primary Care Research Network (South West) East Hub
Tel: 023 8024 1053
Fax: 023 8070 1125


The Clinical Research Network. Supporting research to make patients, and the NHS, better.

This course is designed to provide a basic introduction to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and the EU Directives, UK Regulations and Research Governance Framework requirements covering clinical trials and other NIHR Portfolio studies conducted within the NHS, particularly in a primary care setting. The session has a practical focus with the key aim being that participants know what to do to practise excellent GCP when they return to their workplace to ensure that the rights, safety and well-being of patients are always protected.

Expected Learning Outcomes
Following the course, participants will have a demonstrable understanding of the background and practical implications of GCP in primary care. This understanding is intended to be a foundation for action about translating principles into practice and give participants the confidence to take a proactive role in improving processes and standards within their own work area.

Further information
The course is aimed at site staff involved in the conduct of studies once they have been accepted onto the NIHR Portfolio. Individuals involved in the design and management of portfolio studies are able to access this course but should be aware that it will not address their specific needs.

Posted in: HealthResSW