The Social Media Review of the Week (27.09)

Posted in: Review of the Week

Our weekly review of the top news shared by the University of Bath across its corporate social media channels.

News from our social media community

Welcome Week was extensively covered on the University's social media under the #BelongatBath campaign. The campaign utilised user-generated content in order to highlight the experience of students joining the University. The University shared a photograph from one of our followers attending a welcome event for international students. This post was seen on 2,562 occasions.

News about student experience

As part of the #BelongatBath campaign, the University signposted to key pieces of content previously produced by other departments. This video highlighting student support at Bath Student Services was seen on 3,213 occasions on Twitter and gained 2,100 views on Facebook.

News about our research

Dr Sally Adams and Craig Gunn from the University wrote an article for The Conversation on the science behind five popular hangover remedies. This was shared on Facebook, where it was seen by 6,856 people and gained 406 link clicks through to the article.


News about public engagement

Researcher Paula Kover wrote a quiz on Evolution for the BBC website as part of the activity surrounding the launch of the Milner Centre for Evolution. This was shared on Twitter and it was seen on 5,137 occasions.

News about our student recruitment

The University shared a video of the Chancellor talking about the benefits of studying at the University of Bath. This video reached 7,450 people on Facebook and gained 2,459 video views.


Posted in: Review of the Week


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