The Social Media Review of the Week (5.4)

Posted in: Review of the Week

Our weekly review of the top news shared by the University of Bath across its corporate social media channels.

News about our student recruitment

The University shared a live video interview with our Postgraduate student ambassadors to promote the upcoming Virtual Postgraduate Open Day. This reached 5,807 people and was watched on 1,800 occasions.

News about student experience

For Autism Awareness Week, the University shared information on our Campus Buddies scheme. This video reached 2,104 people on Facebook.

News about our research

The University shared a video about a new horse fitness tracker developed by Dr Ben Metcalfe in the Faculty of Engineering and Design. This video reached 10,917 people.

News about public engagement

The University shared a post about the latest exhibition at Edge Arts. This post reached 1,663 people.

News from our community

The University shared a photo from one of our academics who was sharing his research at a conference in China. This post reached 5,704 people.

Posted in: Review of the Week


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