Our visit to 29th St Alphege Brownies in Bath

Posted in: Outreach

On Thursday the 14th February, I joined 6 WESBath members in volunteering to share our love for engineering with the 29th St Alphege Brownies in Bath.

We chose the steady hand activity where, in groups of 5, the brownies built a steady hand game using only batteries, an LED light, tin foil, metal wire, a matchbox, electrical wire and tape.

WESBath student supporting Brownies
WESBath student supporting Brownies

Everyone was so excited about creating creative shapes but soon learnt that they had to compromise in order to complete the track in under 2 minutes.

WESBath student supporting Brownies
WESBath student supporting Brownies

We asked the Brownies what they learnt from the activity and they all showed an understanding of the importance of having a closed circuit for electricity to flow. We were very happy that we helped the children learn more about engineering, but what made us even happier was the thank you presents of chocolate they gave us!

WESBath students visit 29th St Alphege Brownies
WESBath students visit 29th St Alphege Brownies

Leen Jabban, Final Year, MEng(Hons) Integrated Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Posted in: Outreach


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