Get your graduate job hunt on track...
We know most of you are looking forward to the Christmas break and a bit of R&R at home. But picture this - every time you see your mum, dad, sister, granny, aunt, granddad, great uncle, next door neighbor, your cat,...
Demystifying the Careers Fair!
This afternoon a number of students have been asking me questions about the Autumn Careers Fair taking place on Thursday and Friday this week. For some students this may well be your first ever careers fair that you are going...
Questions to ask employers at a Careers Fair
This image is from China Daily of a Job Fair in Beijing. Whilst we aren't expecting quite such a crowd at the Autumn Careers Fair this week; you may want to spare a thought for the representatives from various companies who get asked...
What are you doing on Thursday and Friday this week?
If you answered "attending the biggest ever careers fair on campus" then everyone in the careers service bows to you! If, however you haven't got the fair in your diary, then you're missing out - big time! Our Autumn Careers Fair,...
Get ahead of the game...
It seems every year, graduate scheme applications open earlier and earlier! However as a general rule of thumb, the application period for graduate schemes starts in September 2015 and will end in December or January 2016. A significant proportion...
Are you considering applying for graduate schemes this year?
It seems every year, graduate scheme applications open earlier and earlier! However as a general rule of thumb, the application period for graduate schemes starts in at the end of August and will end in December 2015 or January 2016....
#Getahead Careers Programme
The Bath Careers Service will be offering a series of 1-hour webinars (you can participate from the comfort of your home) aimed at students embarking on their Final year and students who have recently graduated. The #getahead programme covers all aspects...