Staying Positive Whilst Job Searching
We all know how difficult it can be to stay positive and motivated in the job-hunting process, never mind in a pandemic! I asked my lovely colleagues in the Careers Service what strategies they recommend. Manage your time In the...
How recognising your strengths can help your career
Increasingly, employers are using strengths-based interviews to recruit new staff. But recognising your strengths can do more than help you to succeed in a job interview. By knowing what your strengths are, you can look for ways and opportunities, to...
Skills to thrive in a post COVID world of work
A few weeks into the lockdown we ended up caring for a robin fledgling, who we named ‘Tufty’. For a little ball of fluff, he ate rather a lot (hourly meal worm feeds) and produced plenty of waste but he...
5 job hunting tips during COVID-19 pandemic
I have spent the best part of today chatting to final year students from the Faculty of Science (I mean it when I say, it has been the highlight of my day). A common theme in all the conversations has...
So what did you do in Spring 2020 ? Interview questions in the post-Covid19 world
I’m writing this in mid March 2020. I don’t have a crystal ball…but all things must and will pass. At some point, hopefully not in the too distant future, we will be at least be gradually “coming out the other...