Search results for: resilience
Staying Positive Whilst Job Searching
We all know how difficult it can be to stay positive and motivated in the job-hunting process, never mind in a pandemic! I asked my lovely colleagues in the Careers Service what strategies they recommend. Manage your time In the...
Dyslexia: when to disclose and using your dyslexia as a strength when applying for graduate jobs
What is Dyslexia? The NHS reports that around 10% of the British population has dyslexia to some extent, so that makes it one of the most common learning difficulties. The British Dyslexia Association define dyslexia as “Dyslexia is a learning...
My work experience was cancelled and now I've got nothing to put in my CV
You're certainly not alone.. So many great work and professional opportunities couldn’t happen this year, or at least not in the form originally intended. Employers and graduate recruiters know that. From talking to them, I know that employers are also...
Skills to thrive in a post COVID world of work
A few weeks into the lockdown we ended up caring for a robin fledgling, who we named ‘Tufty’. For a little ball of fluff, he ate rather a lot (hourly meal worm feeds) and produced plenty of waste but he...
The Right Person(ality) for the Job!
This blog post was written by Information Assistant Tricia Onions When I graduated university, I was of the (ill-informed) belief that employability was a black and white issue. That I was either cut out for the world of work...
COVID-19 and Your Career
Now here’s a blog post I couldn’t have predicted I’d be writing. Like most of you and my colleagues, I have found the last few days really unsettling, we’ve had to fundamentally change how we work and all of us...
So what did you do in Spring 2020 ? Interview questions in the post-Covid19 world
I’m writing this in mid March 2020. I don’t have a crystal ball…but all things must and will pass. At some point, hopefully not in the too distant future, we will be at least be gradually “coming out the other...
Parimala Shivaprasad speaks to our Sprint delegates on following your dreams and setting up a Social Enterprise
Our guest blogger, Maisie Goodson, shares highlights from our guest speaker, Parimala Shivaprasad who recently qualified as Doctor of Chemical Engineering while developing a social enterprise start-up. Parimala grew up in Bangalore, India and performed at a high level at...