Welcome to the third edition of our agents newsletter which highlights our Department of Computer Science and information on application, accommodation and scholarship deadlines to watch out for. We are also asking for your feedback on the visa situation which we know is affecting students, agents and institutions alike. As always we would like to thank you for your continued efforts on our behalf to ensure students have a smooth journey towards studying at the University of Bath in these challenging times.
Welcome to our MSc portfolio in Advanced Computer Systems!
The MSc programmes in Advanced Computer Systems have been specially created to respond to developments in computer science and its allied professions. The programmes are intensive, full-time courses, focusing on fast moving sectors of computing technology. Taught by recognised experts in each field, they offer candidates a cutting-edge experience and a qualification which is both academic and industrially relevant. The duration of study is 12 months, beginning in Sept/Oct. The programmes are divided into two semesters of taught units and a dissertation period. Students follow one of the eight themes listed below and will be exposed to the latest science and technology in their chosen specialist area.
The programmes will produce advanced level graduates, with transferable skills suitable for careers associated with research and innovation in industry or in academic life.
MSc Advanced Computer Systems: Software Systems
MSc Advanced Computer Systems: Global Computing & Media Technology
MSc Advanced Computer Systems: Security
MSc Advanced Computer Systems: Human Computer Interaction
MSc Advanced Computer Systems: Internet Systems
MSc Advanced Computer Systems: Mobile and Pervasive Computing
MSc Advanced Computer Systems: Agent Technology
MSc Advanced Computer Systems: Creativity & Collaborative Systems
Read more about the-department-of-computer-science
We look forward to continuing and further enhancing our working relationship with you.
Laura Manning
Postgraduate Administrator
Application deadline of 30 June for all Masters programmes
Please be aware that there is now a deadline in place for applications to all our Masters programmes of 30 June 2009. This has been put in place to help us process applications most effectively in time for the start of the new academic year. Applications received after this deadline will not be accepted and referred for entry 2010.
Full details on our application process including submitting supplementary documents and who to contact for an update on an applicant is available in our last newsletter.
Applying for Accommodation online
How to apply and what to expect
Before applying - Register to use the Online Student Accommodation Portal
Before a student can submit their accommodation application they will need to register to use the Online Student Accommodation Portal. To register they will need their Student Number/UCAS Number/PID, date of birth and a valid email address.
Once registered they will receive an email within 15 minutes confirming that their registration has been successful and providing their login details for the Online Student Accommodation Portal.
New Overseas Postgraduates:
These students can apply online now for their accommodation online at:
New Overseas Undergraduates, Foundation Year, Exchange and English Language Students:
In order to apply for their accommodation preferences students will need to register to use the Online Student Accommodation Portal as above. They will be able to pre-register during the period 5-9 June when this facility will be available. They will then be able to go on and apply for their accommodation preferences from Wednesday 10 June, exact time to be confirmed.
For details of all our accommodation options please view:
Living on campus 08-09, Living at Woodland 08-09, Living off campus 08-09
Pre-Sessional Programmes Update
My name is Magdalen Ward Goodbody and I have just taken over as the acting Director of the English Language Centre. I look forward to working with our key partners in the next few months. We are planning some exciting changes for the programmes from October 09 and will tell you about these in the autumn. In the meantime, you may notice some slight changes of name on our website but the programmes for May - September 09 will be the same as in previous years.
As we all know, this is the busy period for applications for pre-sessional programmes and of course we are still learning the new visa requirements. We have put together some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below which should help you in advising students on pre-sessionals. In addition to our Enrolments Officer, Angharad Ross, whom many of you already know, we have also added some new staff to assist us with responding to your queries. If you have any queries or feedback do contact us at English@bath.ac.uk or see our website at: http://www.bath.ac.uk/elc/
Can an applicant take a pre-sessional programme to satisfy our language requirements?
Definitely YES! We have changed our offer letter to make it clearer to applicants that the pre-sessional option is definitely available at the University of Bath so you should start to see these new letters soon.
An applicant has two ways to satisfy the language part of their offer:
Take the IELTS or TOEFL test and achieve exactly the scores in their letter
Take a pre-sessional programme. These are full time programmes and the applicant will need to attend regularly and achieve an equivalent level to the IELTS or TOEFL level set out in their offer letter.
Does an applicant need to retake IELTS or TOEFL at the end of the pre-sessional?
No. S/he does not need to re-take these formal external examinations again but s/he does need to achieve the right level in the tests and coursework during and at the end of the pre-sessional programme.
Is the applicant guaranteed a place on their MSC programme after the pre-sessional?
No. If the English Language Centre is not satisfied with the applicant’s English level at the end of the pre-sessional, they may decide not recommend that the student continues onto the MSc programme. In practice, this is very rare as the students are very carefully advised on the best pathway for them before they start the pre-sessional. Also, the students have regular tutorials during the programme and receive regular feedback on their progress.
How does the student know which programme to take?
The entry requirements, dates, fees and application form are all available at:
As a general guideline, an applicant who is just below (e.g. about IELTS 0.5) the scores s/he needs, either overall or in one module, will usually be advised to take a short 4-5 week programme and candidates who are more than 0.5 below the level of their offer or who have a low score in a key area such as writing will be expected to take a longer (10weeks+) programme.
However, we advise each applicant based on his/her individual case to make sure that s/he has the best chance of success. Applicants should get in touch with the English Language Centre for advice if they are not sure of the best programme to choose. (English@bath.ac.uk)
What is the difference between Pre-MBA/MSc in Management and Pre-sessional?
The Pre-MBA/MSc in Management is a pre-sessional programme only for applicants who are planning to enter the School of Management (see below) and it includes specific management related topics such as projects, guest lectures from the academic staff and visits to local companies.
• MSc Management
• MSc Marketing
• MSc Advanced Management Practice
• MSc Innovation and Technology Management
• MSc International Management
The Pre-sessional English (PS) courses are for students of all other subjects except for management and cover the same academic English and study skills.
What about visas?
A pre-sessional student will enter the UK with their unconditional offer letter for the pre-sessional programme. We have re-written all our offer and visa letters in line with the advice we have received from UKBA.
At the end of the pre-sessional programme, if the student has satisfied the English language requirements in their offer letter for their main programme, the University will then issue an unconditional offer and the Student Support Service in the International Office will assist them with extending their visa in the UK. During the pre-sessional programme, we hold visa advice sessions so that the students can get all their paperwork ready and renew smoothly.
Scholarships Reminder
The closing date for application for our centrally awarded scholarships, including the University of Bath International Scholarships Scheme (UBISS), is 30 June 2009.
There are 75 scholarships of £3000 for international taught post-graduate students from the UBISS fund and students from Latin America, Nigeria, Russia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and Central Asia and Vietnam are particularly encouraged to apply. There is also a space on the form for the applicant to state if they have come from a University of Bath recognised agent and we do pay particular attention to these candidates. Please encourage your excellent students to apply, particularly if you know that particularly if you know that the chance of a scholarship will make a big difference to their university studies.
There are also some specific scholarships for students from certain countries such as the Jack Cater Award (HK), the Steve Huckvale Awards (Africa) the Abbey Santander Awards (Latin America) and the USA Alumni Awards.
Applicants need to have firmly accepted an offer from Bath at the time they apply and need to complete an online application form.
You can find out more at:
For any queries, please contact international-scholarships@bath.ac.uk
New online information for offer holders
We are delighted to have developed a special section on our international office web pages dedicated to our offer holders. We have put together some information specifically for offer holders featuring what it’s like to live and study at Bath and why other students choose us as their first choice. It is an excellent resource to signpost students to. On 15 June we will also lauch a section dedicated to all our pre-arrival information including details of our orientation programme and this will be updated throughout the summer.
You can find out more at:
Request for Feedback on Visas
As our students are starting to apply for their visas, Nicola Peacock our International Student Support Manager (n.peacock@bath.ac.uk) would be very interested to have any feedback or information from you on the visa application process in your city or region. We have changed all our letters according to the advice received by UKBA but Nicola would be interested to know of any delays, reasons for refusal, visa statistics or any other intelligence that you have on University of Bath applicants. You may also find our visa advice pages useful at: