December 2017

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Dear Overseas Partners,

Merry Christmas!

Welcome to the December issue of the University of Bath International Agents’ Newsletter. As always, there are a number of important updates. Please share this information with all those involved in counselling prospective students.

Here are our highlights:


Update from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences^

New course

BSc(Hons) Criminology has been approved and will be recruiting for 2019 entry. It will be included in the new prospectus which will be out in the new year. Until it is live on our website this course information is available.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences postgraduate webinars:

Future dates:

MSc Public Policy – 23 January 2018

MSc Humanitarianism, Conflict and Development – 24 January 2018

MSc International Development – 31 January 2018

MSc Applied Clinical Psychology  - 28 February 2018

What is Health Psychology (MSc Health Psychology) – 6 March 2018

MA International Education and Globalisation – 7 March 2018

Please do share these dates on your social media platforms. The registration forms can be found on our website.


Existing recordings:

We have recently run webinars for the following subjects which are available to watch now:

Economics Postgraduate courses: Vimeo

MSc Translation with Business Interpreting (Chinese): Vimeo and Youku

Humanities and Social Sciences research projects now launched

We are open to proposals for PhD projects as well as having a number of projects available for application. The deadline is 30 January 2018, 12:00 noon GMT.

Free online course (MOOC)

From State Control to Remote Control: Warfare in the 21st Century

Developed by the University of Bath and hosted by Future Learn, this free online course explores the impact and ethics of using drones, special ops units and private security firms.

Starts 5 February 2018


Faculty of Science Update^

Find out more about our new MSc Drug Discovery

We are running a webinar on 9 January about our new MSc Drug Discovery course. The webinar provides an opportunity to find out more about this exciting course that has been designed in close consultation with the pharmaceutical industry.

Dr Ian Eggleston, the course leader, from the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology at the University of Bath will talk about the unique structure of the course and will help interested students to understand which track (biology or chemistry) is better suited for them depending on their background.

The MSc Drug Discovery has been developed in consultation with industry experts, so students will graduate with the core science skills that are highly sought after by the pharmaceutical industry.

Students will also have the opportunity to put their questions to Dr Eggleston during a live question and answer session.

Those interested can register here.

Employability after a Master’s course

The Careers Advisor in the Faculty of Science recently ran a webinar about employability for those studying our master’s courses and explaining what support is provided by the Faculty.

The pre-recorded webinar can be viewed here.


New courses from the Faculty of Engineering and Design^

The Faculty of Engineering and Design has launched three new Postgraduate courses that will start in 2018:

Engineering Business Management MSc 

Robotics and Autonomous Systems MSc (with placement) 

Robotics and Autonomous Systems MSc


School of Management MSc Web Chats^

The School of Management is holding a series of live web chats in 2018. These are designed for students interested in any of our master’s courses. This is a great opportunity for prospective students and offer-holders to ask questions to our admissions team, programme staff, current students, careers and accommodation teams.  Please encourage students to sign up via our website.

The dates and times are:

Wednesday 28th February 2018 at 11am (GMT)

Thursday 12th April 2018 at 4pm (BST[AH1] )

Thursday 31st May 2018 at 11am (BST)

Friday 27th July 2018 1t 11am (BST)


Pre-sessional update from the Skills Centre^

We were delighted to be able to congratulate all the students enrolled onto our April - June Pre-sessional (now ‘Pre-sessional B’) for having successfully completed the course. 19 of the students chose to continue at the University of Bath, including 15 students transitioning onto our 10 week summer Pre-sessional courses (now ‘Pre-sessional C’). Another 2 students had planned to take the summer Pre-sessional courses but made such excellent progress that they both achieved their required grades in June without having to take the course in the summer!!

In our end-of-course survey, 100% of students stated they would recommend the Pre-sessional courses to others.

Reasons given:

“It’s really convenient and makes your English improve fast.”

“I have enjoyed the course and like our teachers and this city. I think it equips students with essential skills for future study.”

“I think that it’s helpful for people to take this course.

”Good courses”

“It’s good to improve English level.”

One of the highlights has been the launch of our PhD student Mentors Scheme. This was set up for the future doctoral students by liaising with Annika Thielgaard (Peer Support Co-ordinator, Students’ Union) with a Q & A session for the prospective MPhil., MRes and PhD students and contacts exchange was undertaken.

We pride ourselves on providing a high degree of personal attention for our Pre-sessional students. A particular feature of this is the weekly 30-minute academic tutorial we give to each student, so we can focus on individual needs and thereby enhance progress.

The new course dates for our April to September 2018 Pre-sessional provision are as follows:

Pre-sessional Course B: Monday 9 April to Friday 15 June 2018

Pre-sessional Course C: Monday 9 July to Friday 14 September 2018

Pre-sessional Course D: Thursday 9 August to Friday 14 September 2018

The online application for our Pre-sessional courses is open. In the meantime, please do contact with any enquiries.


Bath College International Foundation Year new prospectus^

Bath College's new International Foundation Year (IFY) prospectus is now available in electronic and paper formats. Attached to the original email with the link to this December Newsletter you will find the PDF version of the Bath College IFY. We are very proud to be continuing our relationship with Bath College, and look forward to attracting more International Students to the IFY in 2018.


University of Bath WeChat account^

If your students and applicants use WeChat, it would be great if you let them know that they can follow the University and contact us through searching for “UniofBathUK” or scanning the QR code below. You are also more than welcome to follow us with your personal and Corporate WeChat accounts, share our posts and interact with us.


Guide with key contacts of the University^

The International Recruitment Team has produced a guide of key contacts within the University for International Recruitment Partners. This is a useful document to identify who will be better able to help you within the University services and the International recruitment team for each type of issue. We encourage you to contact the central University services directly (no need to copy in the country manager) with your queries about your students such as applications, entry requirements, admissions processes, accommodation, pre-sessionals and visas.  These are the appropriate staff to deal with your query directly and promptly.

To request the linkage of an application to your Agency we ask you to contact the Admin team at, not the country manager. This allows your country manager more time to discuss with you relevant issues such as marketing and promotional activities, visit arrangements, targets and performance reviews.

For any queries or concerns about the new processes, please email


Survey for International Agents of the University of Bath launched^

As part of our annual review process, we have launched a survey for all our education partners across the globe. You should have already received the following text and link to the Survey. Otherwise please take this chance to give us your feedback:

The main goal of this is to find out as much as possible about the levels of service and support you provide to potential applicants and also your experience of working with us at Bath.

This would help us improve the way we work with your teams and engage more effectively in the future.

We would be most grateful if you could please take 10 minutes of your time to complete this survey for us.

The official closing deadline is Friday 5th of January but the sooner we can have your responses, the quicker we can start putting an action plan together to boost recruitment for 2018.



Reissuing of contracts^

Following a recent process audit conducted by our Internal Audi Department and in light of other developments (for example, new legislation around General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR), the University will be updating the standard contract through which our relationship is managed.  Revised documentation will be circulated early in the new year.

Thank you for taking the time to read this Newsletter.

With very best wishes,

Amy, Andy, Antonio, Fay, James, Santashree and Virginia

The International Recruitment Team

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