Dear overseas partners,

Welcome to the May issue of the University of Bath Agents' Newsletter.

There are a number of important updates detailed below, including the opening of our PGT Scholarships, vital admissions and application advice, and guidance and updates on new courses and webinars.

Please look at the table of contents below to make sure you don't miss an important update.

As always please share this information among your agents and with all those involved in counselling prospective students.

If you have any questions, please email

Postgraduate Virtual Open Day^

Our next Postgraduate Open Day takes place on Wednesday, June 12 from 11am-3pm British Summer Time (BST).

This event is a great opportunity for students to chat with current students and staff and to also get their questions answered live during our webinars.

We will be running two webinars on the day

Ask the Expert: 11:30am-12pm

The 'Ask the Expert' panel will include staff members from admissions, fees and funding, accommodation, and careers.

Arrival Information for International Students: 12:30pm-1pm 

Get you questions answered live and find out anything you need to know about getting here and settling in.

You can register for the event here.

PGT Scholarships^

All eligible students should now have received an invite to apply our PGT Scholarships.

More information is available here.

If you have any question please contact us via email here.

Faculty of HSS Update^

New Postgraduate Certificate in International Education (PGCIE)

The Department of Education has launched a new postgraduate qualification starting from September 2019 (subject to final approval).

The Postgraduate Certificate in International Education (PGCIE) is a part-time course offered on a highly flexible basis. It’s designed to be completed in 1-2 years and is ideal for those who already have teaching experience and wish to progress their career with a postgraduate level qualification. Explore the course.

New undergraduate language courses for 2020 entry

We’re pleased to let you know that we’re increasing our Modern Languages provision. The Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies have added two new languages, Mandarin and Russian to their undergraduate portfolio.

BA (Hons) Modern Languages

Students can study two languages in this four year degree. They may choose one advanced-level language from French, German or Spanish, plus a second advanced-level language or any one of the following ab initio (beginner) languages: French, German, Italian, Mandarin, Russian or Spanish.

BA International Politics and Modern Languages

This four year degree replaces the former BA Language and Politics, and enables students to combine the study of a language at either ab initio (beginner) or advanced level with the study of international politics. The language of study may be either advanced French, German or Spanish (intended for those who have studied to A level standard) or any beginner language (which students do not need to have studied before): French, German, Italian, Mandarin, Russian or Spanish.

These new language courses are subject to final approval.

Choosing undergraduate sport degrees

We’ve created a new video to help understand the differences between our four undergraduate sport, exercise and health-related degree courses:

  • Health and Exercise Science BSc
  • Sports (Sports Performance) FdSc
  • Sport and Exercise Science BSc
  • Sport Management and Coaching BSc

Watch the video here.


Msc Public Policy

Monday 3 June, 18:30 – 19:30 BST, Presented by Dr Theodoros Papadopoulos, Director of Studies for MSc Public Policy

Register here.

MSc Humanitarianism, Conflict and Development

Wednesday 26 June 12:00 – 13:00 BST, Presented by Dr Oliver Walton, Director of Studies for MSc Humanitarianism, Conflict and Development

Register here.

Faculty of Science Update^

New courses

New Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence courses - Undergraduate

This course will provide students with a solid foundation in computer science with a focus on artificial intelligence. The course combines machine learning, algorithms and complexity, visual computing, robotics, and natural language processing.

Our MSc courses in computer science: an explainer - watch the video here

MSc placement: Improving the human experience -watch the video here

MSc Human Computer Interaction student Yalin talks about her placement year at IOP publishing in Bristol and about how she plans to use her experience when she returns to China after her course finishes.

[caption id="attachment_1426" align="alignnone" width="332"] MSc Human Computer Interaction student Yalin Shi[/caption]

MSc Data Science at Bath: Jordan’s story - watch the video here

Current student Jordan talks about why he chose to study at Bath,  his favourite parts of the course and how it helped him choose a PhD to do next.

MSc Human Computer Interaction case study: When you really want to focus - watch the video here

Current student Dave talks about why he chose to do a master's, what it's like living and studying in Bath and how the project work is helping equip him for a future career in design.

More videos from our students

Max, an undergraduate biochemistry student, has been keeping a vlog. He’ll take you on some of his trips around Bath and shows you teaching labs. Keep an eye out for some more trips in and around Bath. View his vlog here.

PGT Admissions Q&A^

  1. What is the deadline for submitting documents to meet offer conditions?

To allow time to apply for their visa and arrange travel to the UK we advise applicants to meet any conditions of offer by 31 July.  Please contact us for advice if applicants are not able to provide documents by this date.

  1. What happens if the offer letter states the course needs ATAS clearance?

We email applicants holding offers for these courses with instructions on how to apply for ATAS.  It is important applicants include all the modules detailed in their email when they apply for clearance.  Even if the offer is unconditional we are not able to start the CAS process until we have received a copy of the clearance letter from the Foreign Office.

  1. Do you have any special requirements of documents for meeting the offer conditions, including the academic documents and language certificate?

We need to see a copy of the original degree certificate and transcript along with an authenticated translation.  The degree certificate, or final transcript confirming the CGPA, should be from the awarding university or stamped by the awarding university if from an affiliated college.  English language certificates should be dated within 2 years of the start of the course.

  1. Once you receive all the documents how long does it take to issue the unconditional offer letter?

We aim to process supporting documents as quickly as possible but at peak times (when everyone is sending in their results) this may take a little longer.

  1. If the applicant has missed meeting their offer conditions do you still want to see their results?

Please send us all results so that we can make decisions.  In some cases it may be possible for us to take those who have narrowly missed their offer condition.

6. Do the applicants need to accept their unconditional offers for receiving CAS statement?

Applicants need to accept their offer for the CAS process to start.  Please check the Applicant Tracker to make sure the offer is accepted.

7. How long it will take for issuing CAS statement?

Applicants need to check their Tracker to make sure that their offer is now unconditional and that they have accepted their offer.  They then need to wait until we send an email asking them to complete the Pre-CAS questionnaire in their Application Tracker.  We try to do this as quickly as possible but at peak times there may be a slight delay.  It is important to answer all the questions so that we are able to issue the CAS quickly.

UG Admissions Update^

Thank you for your continued applications, courses are still open for the majority of subjects, the only closed courses are detailed below:

Architecture, Psychology, Social Work, FD Sports Performance, FD Addictions Counselling

Business Administration and Management are willing to consider applications from your top performing candidates but spaces are extremely limited so we recommend you get in touch as soon as possible if you have any suitable candidates

May sees the start of international qualifications being awarded, can we encourage you all to provide results as soon as available by uploading the certificates/results to the Bath Application Tracker. We will then be able to review and update your applicant’s record accordingly. Should the conditions of offer not be fully met, we may not be able to make a decision immediately. Should a student enquire regarding the possibility of consideration via the ‘extra’ route, please can you to contact us directly in the first instance providing all results plus a copy of a personal statement/statement of purpose, for our consideration?

We would not want your students to decline all of their offers/places without receiving confirmation that we can consider them first.

Please also be aware that your students may have an English condition, therefore, if a test has not yet been taken or booked, this needs to be a priority. If you are experiencing any issues, please do let us know via email here.

This is also the time of year when students will be advised if an ATAS Clearance check is required for the course they are taking. All applicants will receive an email providing the exact information required in order to successfully apply. Please do not wait….ATAS can be applied for well in advance and also for numerous courses/institutions. A delay in obtaining ATAS will then delay the visa process. Students should now be in receipt of this email notification.  Please follow the guidance completely.

Once your students have made their decisions and chosen Bath as their ‘firm’ choice, this will allow access to register for accommodation and once your student is in receipt of an ‘unconditional firm’ place, the visa process will begin, subject to all official documents being provided.

We look forward to welcoming your students here at Bath in September.

Skills Centre Update^

Pre-sessional programme

We have recently welcomed students studying on our Pre-sessional B course, who have been settling in nicely and enjoying a recent spell of warmer weather.

Please remember to encourage your students to take advantage of the opportunity to study on our summer Pre-sessional Programme, we offer two entry points – 8 July 2019 and 8 August 2019.

Our Pre-sessional courses are a great way for students to develop academically and culturally and transition on to their degree programme with confidence.

Our course offer students the opportunity to:

  • Understand the demands of UK higher education, become a more confident and independent learner
  • Experience the beautiful World Heritage City of Bath and the wonderful facilities, attractions and multi-cultural events it has to offer
  • Explore the UK more widely through our Social and Cultural programme
  • Develop their English language communication and study skills with a selection of year-round courses

You can find out more about all of our courses and the entry requirements here.

Please be aware your students may be eligible for a combined offer, this means they would only require one Tier 4 Visa and pay one fee.

To apply for a combined offer you will need to contact the Postgraduate Taught Admissions Team, or the School of Management if you are going to study for an MBA or an MSc course. MSc  School of Management Course listings can be found here.

Further information, please email here.

Bath back in the Top 10^

Bath is ranked 9th, up two places from last year and has retained its position as the region’s top university for a fourth consecutive year. Bath is the only South West university named in the top 10.

The University is also ranked highly in other league tables including The Guardian University Guide 2019 which named Bath as the 6th best university in the UK.

Read the full story here.

Platform 2019 - The Edge^

On Friday 22 March, members of the public, special guests and our campus community witnessed the artistic talents of University of Bath’s 2018-19 arts scholars.

As a University well known for its sports and sciences, this annual event is an opportunity for students to share how the arts are also an integral part of their university experience in Bath. The Edge, now in its fourth year, is ever-growing as a hub for creativity for students, staff, visitors to Bath and the local community. A place to engage and participate in the arts.

Click here to read more.

Beautiful Bath^

And finally, summer has arrived here in the South West and the sun has been shining for most of May, making our campus and city look particularly photogenic...

Posted in: International Agents Newsletter 2019


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