Secret Life Blogs
Secret Life of a Biologist: Impressions and Reflections of a Chemical Engineering Laboratory
Our anonymous Biologist shares snippets of their life in the Chemical Engineering labs. There were, of course, certain elements of this particular chemical engineering lab familiar to me. Indeed, the running and maintenance of the bioreactors (the main reason for...
The Secret Life of an International Student living in Bath
This post is written by an anonymous international student. Views are his/her own. Moving to a different country is always a pretty daunting challenge, but moving to another country to do a PhD? Not even in your first language? Well,...
Spot the Physicist: The Secret Life of a Physicist in Chemistry
Our anonymous Physicist shares snippets of their life in the Chemistry labs. What do you think of when you hear the word Physicist? What do you think of when you hear the word Chemist? Do you think of two very...
The Secret Life of a Computational Scientist in the Chemistry Department
In this first of our series of Secret Life Blogs, you will get an insight into the life of an anonymous Computational Scientist at the CSCT. In the depths of every chemistry department lies a lab unlike any other. No fume hoods, no...