Lee Burton
Conference report: RSC Solid State Group Easter Meeting 2014
The RSC Solid State Group Easter Meeting was organised by Professor Aron Walsh (University of Bath) and Dr David Scanlon (UCL) and was held at the Kavli Royal Society International Centre in Chicheley between 14-16 April 2014. This post was...
Conference report: Materials Research Society Fall Meeting 2013
On 1–6 December 2013, DTC student Lee Burton attended the Materials Research Society fall meeting in Boston, USA. He describes the experience for us in this blog post. As a PhD student I was honoured to be chosen to speak...
Internship report: Lee Burton, Harvard University, United States of America
The CSCT is pleased to welcome back Lee Burton from his research internship at Harvard University in the United States. Lee spent 5 weeks in Boston, working with the groups of Professor Roy Gordon at Harvard and Dr Tonio Buonassisi...
Conference report: 11th International Conference on Materials Chemistry
MC11 (the 11th International Conference on Materials Chemistry) was held by the Royal Society of Chemistry at the University of Warwick from July 8-11th. Given a reasonably local and affordable opportunity to attend a fully-fledged international conference, four DTC students...
Energy Young Entrepreneurs Scheme
Four DTC students recently participated in a three-day energy themed business competition organised for postgraduate researchers in the EPSRC-funded Network of Energy Centres for Doctoral Training. Lee Burton, David Miles, Lisa Sargeant and Kathryn Wills represented our DTC to compete...
DTC students present at Bristol Science Café
This post comes from a group of our students who recently went to Bristol to explain some of their work to a mixed audience. The Tobacco Factory in the heart of Bristol was the location of two recent talks on...