An autoethnography of a hearing-impaired researcher in museum-based participatory research
"How can we research participation in art galleries, museum and heritage organisations?
Room G.04
School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies
University Road
Leeds LS2 9JT
Questions of participation, co-production, co-creation and community development are now widely discussed in practice and in academic debates. In response, there is a need for discussion about, and the development of, approaches and methods for understanding, knowing about and researching participation.
In this seminar, we invite practitioners and researchers who are currently grappling with different ways of approaching these questions to share their current work and thinking.
Questions that might be considered:
What are the key research questions raised by participatory practice? Are the questions primarily ‘how to’ questions or are there other agendas we could usefully identify?
Can you know about participatory through enacting participation ― or conversely only by stepping out of this framework?
What is put at stake (in terms of the relationships with those you are working with) in the desire to know the ‘value’ or ‘impact’ of participation?
What is opened up by seeing participation contextually, whether that is framed as institutionally, systemically or within network or relational logics?
A variety of different approaches to these questions are welcomed including action, participatory and collaborative research methods as well as the historical, the critical and textual."
University of Leeds (2018). Seminar ― A participatory museology. ( Accessed 19/11/2019)