Are you graduating with a 2:2?

Posted in: Advice, Tips & Hints

Getting your degree from Bath is a great achievement!  But what if your results aren't quite what you expected? Every year about 30% of graduates leave with a 2:2.   If you have found yourself in this situation and are worrying about your career prospects it’s important to remember you are not alone.

Many students believe that if you get a 2:2 you have no hope on getting on a grad scheme. This is a myth! There are plenty of graduate schemes that accept a 2:2 and the University of Durham Careers Service have put together a really helpful list.

What else can you do?


Take a practical approach. Consider whether it’s possible to appeal your final degree classification. There may be mitigating circumstances that you have overlooked and may prove decisive in an appeals procedure. However, don’t assume that your appeal will be successful – talk through your options with your personal tutor and/or Director of Studies. Act quickly and be hopeful – but realistic.

If you have a conditional offer, you need to ring the company and let them know the situation. There may be no room for manoeuvre, but if you really impressed them at interview then you never know, they may just honour the offer.

Don't panic and make rushed decisions! We often see students who look to applying for postgraduate study as a way to make up for the 2:2. Postgraduate study is a viable option post graduation but only if it fits with your wider career plan. Take your time, research industry needs and be absolutely sure you want to commit the time and energy into further study.

Getting a 2:2 might be a disappointment and it might mean having to re-think you options, but it doesn’t mean automatic exclusion from a fulfilling career. So, before panic and anxiety takes over - please come and talk to us!

Posted in: Advice, Tips & Hints


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