Channel your inner monkey for a successful 2016!

Posted in: Advice, Tips & Hints

Many of our students and graduates will be welcoming the Year of Monkey today and the Bath careers team would like to take this opportunity to wish you all Gōngxǐ fācái. We understand that according to Chinese astrology, the monkey is intelligent, witty, and inventive animal. People born in the Year of Monkey are problem solvers, capable of group work whilst simultaneously demonstrating independence. The nimble monkey is playful, youthful in nature, and is a fun to watch as they move from activity to activity.

The qualities associated with people born in the Year of Monkey are also the very qualities many employers look for in their future employees. Depending on the career sector you choose to work in, there could be very specific skills, abilities and knowledge needed to do the job. However, complementing these are general competences and behaviors that are essential for successful working. These are often overlooked by candidates, but they are the things recruitment professionals want to see evidence of.

TargetJobs have identified the top 10 skills that graduate recruiters want, you may want to view their very handy video and consider whether these skills are reflected in your CV and the job applications you are making. If not, consider what you can do either on campus or as part of your extra-curricular activities to develop these essential skills. TargetJobs provide useful tips on how to develop employability skills which are worth exploring.


However, there is one skill that the Monkey possesses which is universally valued in the workplace and this is enthusiasm! Enthusiasm is an attitude, a frame of mind that is exemplified in what you say and do. You can demonstrate enthusiasm with a positive tone in your voice, upright posture, eye contact with others and by showcasing your knowledge of a particular company, sector or job role. Therefore, developing you commercial awareness can be an incredibly powerful tool in demonstrating your enthusiasm. A few months back, my colleague Ghislaine Dell wrote an excellent post on how to develop your commercial awareness which is worth a read. I also think this article by Career Empowering provides excellent tips on how you can convey enthusiasm.

Posted in: Advice, Tips & Hints


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