Offering bad Advice to Brad

Posted in: Comment, News and Updates

If you'd like to experience a hapless simulation, waste your time, and be frustrated into the bargain, you need look no further than the Met Office's new game, advising Brad the ice cream man on the weather.   As the Met Office playfully (that is, risibly) puts it:

Play the Met Office Weather Game to help us find the best way of communicating confidence in weather forecasting.

Chance would be a fine thing.  I ploughed my way through all this nonsense and turned out to be "mediocre" at forecasting.

Just like the Met Office, I thought as I reflected on the its latest triumph –  last night's completely egregious forecast on the BBC's Points West.  It was a joke – and I foolishly planned my day around it.  Will there be an apology?   Thought not; where's that seaweed ....

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