News and Updates

  • Another view of renewable energy

    Yesterday, I wrote about some of the positives of renewable energy, including the large strides that China is making.  The latest Economist adds some perspective to those figures with a story of dubious financial activity in Beijing and Hong Kong, leading...

  • Renewables and the economy

    Here are a few factoids: Rooftop solar is growing worldwide by 50% per year. In 1985 solar cost $12 per watt, but today’s prices are closer to 36 cents per watt. Every five hours the world adds 23 MW of...

  • On hearing Cetti's warbler for the first time

    The RSPB says that Cetti's warbler is a small nondescript bird which skulks around, keeping out of sight.  This may be a sound survival strategy.  It has bred here since 1973.  Gary Mantle mentioned it in one of his recent blog posts.  It has...

  • The end of the world is upon us (yet again)

    Have you come across Guy McPherson?  He's an academic interested in climate science / change.  I only know about him because Dave Moreman mentioned him in his encounter with "Ask Gareth" the other day. If you decide you'd like to...

  • What happened when Dave asked Gareth "a corker of a question"

    EAUC 's Food for Thought last Friday afternoon was about a question posed to blogger Gareth Kane ( Ask Gareth ...) by Dave Moreman, a senior lecturer at Staffordshire University.  Moreman asked:  How can I teach sustainability when I live unsustainably? The first thing Kane did...

  • Polli:Nation – nice title

    The University of Stirling has for a full-time PhD studentship that will involve evaluating and researching aspects of a school-based citizen science and environmental education project: Polli:Nation – Citizen Science and Environmental Education in the School Grounds . This involves schools...

  • Costing the Earth whilst wasting an opportunity

    I listened to last week's Costing the Earth with mounting frustration as it failed to live up to its normal high standards.  The podcast is here. The show came from a foodie event in Green Bristol.  It was billed as a debate,...

  • Plymouth comes of age

    It was good to see Plymouth doing so well in the THE Under 50s league table published recently.  I hope all that sustainability stuff they focus on so well has been part of this. The THE says: This is a ranking of...

  • Has your child had its SMSC today?

    SMSC?  What's that, you might be saying.  If you are, you're as out of touch as I am (or was).  It's the thing in schools, it seems.  Although it looks rather as if it might be a food supplement [ Take SMSC everyday for...

  • ecotricity goes into the manifesto business

    ecotricity has launched its 2030 vision/manifesto for the Green Britain it thinks we should be living in.  Using research and modelling from Cambridge Econometrics, a consultancy, ecotricity sets out what Britain would be like in 2030 if we adopt ambitious targets for emissions reduction, renewables...