A Road Map to Involving Patients in Your Research

Posted in: HealthResSW

This event will provide attendees with an opportunity to gain insight into the importance and benefits of patient and public involvement (PPI) as well as practical information to help them facilitate PPI within their own research.

Location: Bath Hilton

Date: 25th May 2012

Time: 09.30- 14.00 with lunch and poster viewing


09.30- 09.45 Introduction and Welcome Prof. Chris Eccleston (Centre for Pain Research)

09.45- 10.00 The People & Research SW initiative Catrin Richards (People and Research SW)

10.00- 10.45 What support and guidance is available for researchers? Julie Hapeshi (NIHR Research Design Service)

10.45- 11.30 How best to engage with patients and public and communities when designing a research project Involve Person

11.30 - 11.45 Tea and Coffee break

11.45- 12.30 A discussion of the benefits and challenges of designing a project with members suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and their carers.  Dr. Nigel Harris (Bath Institute of Medical Engineering)

12.30- 13.15 A former patient’s perspective Ms. Victoria Wells

13. 15 – 14.00 Lunch and Poster Viewing

Free PPI Research starter packs will be given to all attendees.

Email S.V. Rook@bath.ac.uk for more details or to book a place.

Posted in: HealthResSW