
  • What Might 2021 Have in Store?

    I looked back through some of my earlier blog posts last week and it was clear to see that I have been writing less frequently this past year. That said, I have to remind myself that earlier in my EngD...

  • May 2020 Update

    I have been making progress over the past month with the plans for our new online study. I have been slow to move forward for various reasons including a minor setback due to a repetitive strain type injury (frustrating to...

  • Running a Virtual Ideation Session with Designability Colleagues

    Last week, I completed the first step of my plan for developing an online study, which was to run an ideation session with the Design Team at Designability. In this blog post, I will describe the aim of the session...

  • The New Online Study: My Approach

    Last week, I mentioned that I will be planning an online study to answer some more detailed design questions about augmented reality prompts I have not yet considered. Rather than testing the ideas I have looked into already and then...

  • Almost Halfway There: My Top Tips for Managing a Study

    At the title suggests, I am almost halfway through this month's study. In my blog this week, I thought I would share my experience so far, and have included someĀ top tipsĀ for making life easier when running a study. Take a...

  • Now Recruiting!

    As promised, I can now confirm that I am recruiting for participants to take part in the study I talked about last week. To take part, participants must: be of 50 years of age or older; have normal-to-corrected vision; not...

  • Teaser for Study

    A couple of weeks ago, I brought you up to speed with where I was in the process of planning a study. The pilot work I have completed over the past couple of weeks has helped to fine tune the...

  • July Update: Creating Resources for a Study

    It has taken me a while to get around to blogging recently. Amongst other things, I have been preoccupied with designing the next big research activity for my EngD project. Here is a quick update on where I am with...

  • My First Semi-Structured Interview: A Pilot

    This week I ran a pilot version of an interview I will be carrying out with professionals who have experience of working with people living with dementia. Whilst I cannot give details about the interview's content, I can talk about...