University of Bath Blogs
NeverOK is a joint initiative run by the University and The SU, which aims to tackle all forms of harassment, bullying, sexual misconduct and discrimination
Academic & Employability Skills
Helping you develop skills for success at Bath and beyond
Academic Assembly's Accountability and Transparency Working Group
Advancing accountability and transparency in the governance and management of the University
Access and Participation
Explore our blogs that talk about everything access and participation from outreach to graduation.
Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems Centre for Doctoral Training (AAPS CDT)
Training the next generation of industrial, research and policy leaders in Automotive Propulsion Systems.
Advancing Research Computing
Supporting researchers to do more.
Arts Scholarships
Discover the support available for students to develop and showcase their artistic skills through the Arts Scholarship programme.
Atomic Manipulation @ Bath
The Sloan Group: webpage and blog
Augmented Reality for Dementia
EngD Research Blog by Thomas Williams
Aurora Network
Aurora women's leadership development community
Bath AHEP (the Association of Higher Education Professionals) providing local support to help you enhance your career, boost your job prospects and create valuable networking opportunities
Bath Black Engineering Student Society
Supporting black students at the University of Bath
Bath Business and Society
Thought leadership from Bath's School of Management
Bath University Interfaith Community
Bath University Interfaith Community empowers students & staff to engage in conversations between faiths which build religious literacy, appreciation & respect.
Bath's Digital Transformation
Enabling delivery of the University’s strategy, driving impact and performance.
Be The Change
Ending harassment
Be Well
Tips, news and student experiences about creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle at university.
Bill Scott's blog
Thoughts on learning, sustainability and the link between them
Blood Damage Workshop
Information about the 5th International Workshop on Flow-Induced Blood Damage in Rotating Systems (BDW2025)
Making sense of Britain’s withdrawal from the EU with the help of University of Bath academics
Centre for Biosensors, Bioelectronics and Biodevices
Campus Services
The latest news about our food and drink, student accommodation and more.
Careers Perspectives from the University of Bath Careers
Focus on your future with expert advice from your application advisers, information officers and careers consultants.
Centre for Development Studies
Current news and updates from the field of International Development
Centre for Learning & Teaching
Supporting teaching, sharing good practice and celebrating education
Centre for Qualitative Research
We foster research, training and education, and industry collaborations through qualitative research
Centre for Research into Education in China and East Asia
This blog is to inform and engage with the public regarding the work of CRECEA
Centre for Sustainable and Circular Technologies
Scientists and engineers working together for a sustainable future
Centre for the Analysis of Social Policy and Society
Current news and updates relating to social policy issues.
Academic evidence-based analysis and discussion of relevant issues in governance, regulation and industrial strategy.
Changing, Ourselves
Stories from the Learning and Organisational Development team
Chaplains Latest Reflection
Thoughts and reflections from the University Chaplain
Tony James Research Group @Bath
Civic and Community Engagement
Supporting University of Bath staff and students to engage across our city and our region.
Climate Action
Exploring the University's Whole Institution response to the Climate Emergency
Concerning Violence
A forum dedicated to the study of violence
Department for Health: Equality & Diversity
Department of Education Research Blog
Opinions and commentary on educational issues and concerns
Digital Content and Development
Taking a user-centred approach to digital development and content design.
Digital, Data & Technology
The stories behind digital, data & technology at Bath
Director of Finance
Thoughts and views from Martin Williams
Disability Network: Staff & PGR Students
Doctoral Development and Student Experience
Keeping you up to date with projects, stories and other useful information to support your doctoral journey.
Doctoral Welcome Team
Blogs related to doctoral development and student experiences at the University of Bath.
Education Technology Archive
To create the future, we must understand the past
Educational Research In Context
You know it makes sense. More or less.
Embedding Public Engagement Methods into the Student Learning Experience
Documenting our journey in devising a sustainable strategy for integrating public engagement methods into the student learning experience
Engineering & Design academia
Research, teaching and opinion from Faculty of Engineering & design staff.
Engineering and design student insights
Student projects, placements, research and study experiences in the Faculty of Engineering & Design. Sometimes featuring a graduate guest spot.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
From Me to We: Creating a Culture of Inclusion
Sharing ideas for Learning and Teaching
Exercise and Haematological Cancer
Updates on my research into the anti-tumour effects of exercise in early, pre-malignant blood cancers
Faculty of Engineering & Design staff
Sharing experience and best practice across the Faculty of Engineering & Design
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences insights
Student experiences and staff insights into the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences and its six departments.
Faculty of Science Staff
Sharing successes, events and other updates from across the Faculty
Gold Scholarship Programme – Community, Employability, Opportunity
Find out more about what it means to be a Gold Scholar, the impact of the Programme and get to know some of our Gold Community.
Health Research
Health research news, events and info for the South West
Images of Research
Celebrating the high-quality and impactful research taking place at the University of Bath
Impact of campus investment building projects
Keeping you updated on our current campus building projects
Institute for Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems
Delivering future generations of clean and efficient vehicles
Institute of Sustainability and Climate Change: Systems
We take a whole-systems perspective to measuring sustainability in design, engineering and decision making. We use methods from industrial ecology to understand the full environmental footprint of our products and activities, and to determine what choices will lead to more sustainable outcomes in practice.
International Relations Office
Updates on the University's global engagement activities
IPR blog
Expert analysis, debates and comments on topical policy-relevant issues
IT services status
This blog is no longer being updated as we now have a new way of finding out the status of our IT Services at
Kaleidoscope LGBT+ Staff and PGR Group
The LGBT+ group for staff and postgraduate researchers at the University of Bath
Knowledge Exchange and Research Impact
Supporting researchers to achieve impact from their work
Let's talk about water
Whetting appetites for Bath's water research
Library Research Data Service
Updates and insights from the Library's Research Data Service
Digital playground | LITEbox is a University-wide initiative aiming to create an environment where the whole University can learn about new and existing technologies for use in learning and teaching.
Macroeconomics Blog
Conducting theoretical and empirical work across macroeconomics and finance
Management Elearning Support Blog
Information and advice on technology-enhanced learning for School of Management Staff
Manduca sexta research
How Bath’s Manduca sexta colony helps us understand human disease
Middle East and North Africa Social Policy
Written by Rana Jawad, University of Bath Institute for Policy Research
Milner Centre for Evolution
Researchers and students blog about their activities in this unique cross-faculty research centre bridging biology, health and education.
Office of Strategic Governance
A weekly round-up of news and developments in the sector.
On Parade
The Bath alumni blog: stories from campus and beyond
One Young World Conference
Open Ankle Model
Creation of a new open-source ankle finite element model
Our University Strategy 2021 to 2026
Our University, our future. Connected.
Pedro Estrela's blog
Updates from the Biosensor Research Laboratory
Personal Tutoring
Top tips, support and guidance for personal tutors
Power Up
Updates and case studies about automation
Professor Cassie Wilson
Blog for the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience)
Professor Julian Chaudhuri
Blog for the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education)
Professor Sarah Hainsworth
Blog for the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Public Engagement Unit
Supporting researchers to engage the public with their research
Python in Chemistry
Learning Python and Exploring Chemical Concepts using Jupyter Notebooks
QS World Rankings
Find out more about the QS World Rankings and information on the contact collection process.
Race Equality Charter (REC)
Find out about the Race Equality Charter, which offers a valuable framework to identify and address the barriers facing Black, Asian, and minority ethnic staff and students.
Recruiting our Next Vice-Chancellor
Updates from the Director of Human Resources members of COVC
Reflective Writing e-Learning Project
Developing support for reflective writing across the disciplines
Reimagining Education for Better Futures Research Group
Our research focuses on reimagining education and its transformative potential for humans, and non-humans, now and in the future.
Role Play in Teaching and Learning
Making 'fun' useful
Safety, Health & Employee Wellbeing
Blogging on health, safety and wellbeing for staff.
Working at the interface of statistics with applied and computational mathematics
Sensing Culture Community of Practice
A community of practice supporting people with sight loss in cultural heritage
SIAM-IMA Student Chapter
University of Bath joint chapter of SIAM and IMA
Creating a test facility that simulates building energy to monitor and measure energy use under real climatic conditions.
Social Media Café
Advice and expertise from the social media team at the University of Bath
Sounds of the planet
Remote sensing: using Physics to explore and monitor our environment
Staying active in older age
Practical health and exercise advice for people aged 60 and over on staying active, even in isolation, from researchers at the University of Bath
Structures at Bath
Keeping the concepts fresh
Student bloggers
Find out what it's like to live and study at Bath by reading our student blogs
Student Women's Engineering Society (WESBath)
Women In Engineering Society (WES)
The Talent Sphere
Diverse perspectives on the future of hiring
Tobacco and Public Health
Insights, analysis and commentary on tobacco control and commercial determinants of health from the Tobacco Control Research Group. The opinions expressed on our blog belong to the authors and should not be seen to necessarily represent TCRG or the University of Bath.
TRansdisciplinary ENgineering Design (TREND)
Current news from the TREND Research Group
University Athena SWAN activities and updates
Athena SWAN - Gender Equality
University of Bath Blogs
University of Bath Staff Society
Bringing together all University staff through social activities. Complete the Omnibus membership form under 'About us' page below to become a member
University of Bath Technicians
Sharing news, experiences and best practice from the technical teams around the University.
University of Bath: Audio Visual Unit
News and developments in AV
Vice-President (Community & Inclusion)
Professor Jane White
Was it meant to do that?!
An occasional personal glimpse into the comings and goings of technical support within the Faculty of Science and beyond.
Waves in Shallow Water (WASH)
EPSRC-funded research into breaking and broken ocean waves.
Welcome Week
During Welcome Week 2024 you must attend department and central Welcome Week events which will help you settle into University life.
Women Academics Change Agents Network
The network is an action-oriented space for women academics to work together individually and collectively to achieve our full potential and enhance our wellbeing at work.
Women’s Network: Career Growth and Community
All curent news related to Women's Network – Career, Growth and Community (WN:CGC)