High Performance Computing

  • Aquila HPC /home area unavailable - 18 Sept 2013

    The storage server which provides the /home area for the Aquila HPC has been experiencing some technical issues and as a result the /home area will be experiencing a degraded performance for the time being. To rectify the issues the...

  • How much time do we have to get clean energy right?

    Adam Jackson won the 2013 High Performance Computing (HPC) Symposium poster competition. The poster: Ab initio thermodynamics for the design of energy materials shows the value of being able to use the Bath University Computing Services (BUCS) HPC Aquila service...

  • Will it rain on campus on Sunday?

    Will it ever be possible to improve the resolution of weather prediction to such an extent? Only time will tell, along with the success of using complex solvers tested on facilities like the University of Bath's Aquila HPC service. Dr...

  • HPC Symposium - Congratulations and Thank you!

    Over 70 attendees came together to share their work with academics from many disciplines at the High Performance Computing (HPC) Symposium, 4 June 2013. Thank you to everyone who made the second HPC Symposium at University of Bath a success....

  • Post-Symposium Information

    The organisers would like to thank all the participants very much again for coming to the meeting on 4th June, we really hope you enjoyed the day. It was great to see such a large number of people, hearing about...

  • HPC at Bath is now on twitter

    For all those who use twitter... I have recently setup a twitter account for the HPC service, @BathHPC. If you have a twitter account please follow this account, I will try and use this for relevant discussion and news items....

  • HPC Symposium, all day Tuesday, 4th June

    The University of Bath is holding its 2nd Symposium on High Performance Computing (HPC) which will take place on all day on Tuesday, 4th June (lunch included). This symposium is for any staff and students who use or are interested...

  • Scheduler maintenance -- update - 9/10/2012

    Adaptive Computing have spent three 11-hour days assisting me with the installation and configuration of the new scheduling system on the Aquila HPC facility. During these days we have made a lot of progress and resolved several unforeseen issues. However...