
  • Lab photoshoot

    Adrian Hooper kindly did his photographer bit yesterday and took some snaps of the group and the lab. Here they are. Be warned I have gone a wee bit OTT with some photo editing.

  • OMG it's graphene!

    A combination of Trivial Transfer Graphene and a lot of work, here is Kristina's second image, lovely graphene!

  • New liquid nitrogen ves­sels

    Welcome to group TPV-200. May you work hard and keep the Q+ cold. Update: the vessel is full, and the Q+ is cold. Let's see if the microscope works on Monday. Update 2: The Q+ is at 77K.

  • Official Graphene lab opening

    Official University News. ... Dr Peter Sloan, Lecturer in Physics added: “With the nano-factory, we can also build up bespoke atomic-scale structures one atom at a time to link with the stencilled devices, making our new microscope world-leading. Not only...