Jon Chouler
Comedy: An academic's new addition to their bustling tool belt
This post was contributed by Jon Chouler Did you hear the one about the academic and the comedian? Well, me neither, but have you ever heard of an academic comedian? In fact that's probably not very common either. However, let...
A Chemical Engineer on a Project Management internship at Wessex Water
PhD student, Jon Chouler, went on a three-month internship with Wessex Water in Bath. We asked him how he got on. First of all, how did you find this internship? One word: Persistence! In the process of finding a placement, I made sure to...
Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Conference, Naples, Italy.
CSCT student, Jon Chouler attended and gave a talk at the 6th European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Piero Lunghi Conference (EFC), in Napoli, Italy. As well as being located in a beautiful city beside the Mediterranean Sea and the...
BIG event 2015: Science Communication extravaganza
Second year CSCT student, Jon Chouler, attended a conference on a topic very close to him: Science Communication. He shares his highlights from the event: On Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 July, I had the pleasure of attending the BIG event 2015: a conglomeration of...
ChemEngDay 2015
Four students from the CSCT: Stephen Bradley, Dominic Ferdani, Richard Maltby and Jon Chouler, recently attended and presented posters at ChemEngDay 2015, hosted by the University of Sheffield for IChemE. The event had over 350 Chemical Engineers from academia and industry. This report...
Meet the Engineers: Secondary school event in Dorchester
Four of our students, Jemma Rowlandson, Jon Chouler, Jon Wagner and Leighton Holyfield, attended the ‘Meet the Engineer’ event, at the Thomas Hardye School in Dorchester. The event takes place every two years and is aimed at Years 8 – 10 (ages 12...
Microbial Fuel Cells Show Off Their Stuff
It's a wintry Thursday evening (January 22nd to be exact) and upon the river, at the esteemed Grain Barge in Bristol, the extroverts and comics of the science world conglomerate for SCIENCE SHOWOFF: an evening of chaotic science open mic....