Talks and Presentations
Motivated rejection of (climate) science: causes, tools, and effects
This was the title of the I-SEE seminar the other week by Professor Stephan Lewandowsky, a cognitive scientist at the University of Bristol. This is his Abstract: "Although the relevant scientific community long ago settled on the conclusion that human economic activities...
A Sustainable West Midlands?
I went to a well organised West Midlands Sustainable Schools network yesterday. We met on the top floor of the CUBE and its over-hanging, vertiginous heights reminded me of the mercifully brief time I spent at Ocean City; sadly, in Birmingham,...
Education 21
This is the text of the talk I gave at the Education-21 event in Zürich the other week. Anyone familiar with my work will recognise the background to the arguments. What may be less familiar are my comments about the potential offered by...
Teacher Education in Motion
I'm in Zurich to speak at a conference organised by Education-21, where the key questions are: What does a desirable future look like? What do teachers need on their professional paths in order to move in this direction? The event...
The Kaya Identity
One of the issues that Michael Finus discussed last Tuesday night in his I-SEE seminar was the Kaya Identity, which is an equation relating to human impact on climate. I had not come across it before – such a sheltered life! The idea...
The contribution of economics to the gloomy debate about climate change
Another day; another seminar – it's just the hectic life of a retiring academic. This time, it was a trip to Bath to listen to Michael Finus, who has a Chair in Environmental Economics, give an I-SEE seminar on the contribution of...
Learning in the Mesolithic
The Stonehenge seminar on Monday night was a great evening with 6 varied presentations, as I outlined the other day, and a tribute to Buckingham's approach to their MA. I thought the best piece of work was that outlined by...
Myths, misconceptions and misunderstandings in carbon management
Myths, misconceptions and misunderstandings in carbon management – a pragmatist’s insight into the world of saving carbon in a University was the title of a recent I-SEE seminar at Bath. It was presented by Peter Phelps, the university's Energy and Environment Manager....
More on John Loughhead
I wrote a few weeks ago about a seminar at Bath given by Professor John Loughhead, chief scientific advisor to DECC. His powerpoint slides are now available on the I-SEE website. In what I wrote, I singled out a particular...
Securing the UK’s Energy Future – maybe
The I-SEE seminar on Monday was given by Professor John Loughhead, Chief Scientific Advisor at DECC – the Department of Energy and Climate Change. His title, ‘Securing the UK’s Energy Future’ could hardly be more important. This is what the Abstract for...