mech design projects
The Design Exhibition
Author: Sam Hyams - The Design Exhibition is the culmination of a year’s work for 3rd year and final year students, with group project and individual final year projects on display for fellow students and guests alike. For Team Bath...
Winning the Blackwood Design Award for Best New Concept
Author: Andrew Taylor - Andrew is a multidisciplinary designer and engineer, based in Cambridge, UK. He was awarded the Blackwood Design Award in 2018 for his design of a device which helps people with visual impairments to practice sport. User...
EIP Project Planning & First Stages
Author: Joseph - Hi there, my name is Joseph and last month I began to give some sort of insight into the daily life of an Extended Integrated Project (EIP) student working at Rolls-Royce as part of my Master’s Degree...
Learn2Walk: a walking device for toddlers
Daniel talks us through how he developed a walking device for toddlers. His product monitors and adjusts its speed to aid a child’s mobility and development. Watch Daniel's student project video on Vimeo.
Redesigning a car door for better access
Rasjad talks us through how he developed a door mechanism to help those with reduced mobility to use their cars.
Developing a polypill machine for a district pharmacy
Fay talks us through how she developed a machine that combines pills into a single dose to help patients take the correct medication and reduce hospital visits.