
  • Writing Mathematics

    Dr Euan Spence, from the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Bath, discusses the need for new undergraduates to learn how to write mathematics, words as well as equations.

  • University skills through the foreign language

    This 2013-14 project supported a one-day languages event for local sixth form students. The students and teachers attended a lecture in the morning facilitated by an educational consultant. They learned about independent study, motivation, presentation skills and learning in a multi-cultural context. Afterwards students had a campus tour facilitated by Student Ambassadors in the target languages of the day (French, German and Spanish). This was followed by afternoon sessions in which they worked in groups on different topics that then they had to present in the foreign language. The afternoon sessions were facilitated by language staff (Emilie Poletto, Astrid Forsyth and José Carlos Cirera).