Samantha Barrett
Samantha BarrettAugust 2, 2013
A New Dynamic of Ageing: The NDA Programme & Age UK research showcase of the decade
Monday 21st October 2013, Business Design Centre, London You all know that the UK population is ageing. You all know that there is significant work to be done to be better prepared for ageing in our society. So it’s crucial...
Samantha BarrettJuly 31, 2013
Bath Pain Forum Summer 2013.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, out on a limb and irrelevant to me! A presentation by Professor Candy McCabe, Consultant Nurse, RNHRD and Professor of Nursing and Pain Sciences, UWE Tuesday 3rd September 2013 4:00-5:00pm Lecture Hall, Royal National Hospital for...
Samantha BarrettJuly 25, 2013
University of Bath project features on Government website
Research from the University has been featured on this year’s Parliamentary report on Research & Development in assistive technology on the Department of Health website. This annual report is published in accordance with section 22 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled...
Samantha BarrettJuly 8, 2013
NIHR Antimicrobial Resistance themed call: early announcement update
We are pleased to announce that the NIHR Antimicrobial Resistance themed call will now be launching mid-July. Application forms will be available from participating programmes’ websites between July and December 2013 (EME & HTA Programmes opening first). This call is...
Samantha BarrettJuly 8, 2013
Research Design Service South West - Funding Opportunities
The online calendar of the NIHR funding deadlines has been updated and can be found on our funding opportunities page. As ever, the calendar has additional features, such as hyperlinks to the specific funding webpages, and will be updated monthly....
Samantha BarrettJune 28, 2013
Assisted Living Action Network (ALAN) - Events
On Wednesday 12 June we held an evening networking event to find out the latest news and innovations from guest speakers Professor Arlene Astell and Dr Tim Adlam from Challenging Obstacles and Barriers to Assistive Living Technologies (COBALT). We also...
Samantha BarrettJune 25, 2013
Design 4 Health European Conference 2013
Final bookings are now being taken for the 2nd European Conference on Design4Health. This year’s CPD certified conference encourages debate from a range of perspectives and disciplines. The programme covers innovation in services and devices, tackling a range of healthcare...
Samantha BarrettJune 24, 2013
ifOnly Inclusive Design Competition - Finalists' Movie
IfOnly is a concept and free smart phone app, designed by Bath R&D in the University of Bath, created to highlight practical problems that older and disabled people experience around the home. Older and disabled people were asked to download...
Samantha BarrettJune 24, 2013
New funding opportunities with the NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research Programme
Funding opportunities with the NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR) Programme *Commissioned call for proposals* Applicants are invited to submit proposals on the following commissioning briefs by 1pm on 12th September 2013. 13/58 - Organisation, quality and cost-effectiveness of psychiatric...
Samantha BarrettJune 17, 2013
Engaged Futures: Visioning Workshop - Bristol
Monday 24th June 2013, 10am - 12:30pm, Bristol Workshop Details: The National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement has commissioned a consultation to develop visions for the future of the engaged university in 2025. They are keen to encourage university staff,...