Amy Thompson
Amy Thompson7th December 2016
Trumpism 101: The Outsider, Ignored For Years. No longer
Amy Thompson19th August 2016
No Utopian solution for future funding, but partnership offers a fighting chance
Professor Chick Wilson, Department of Chemistry There is no point in hiding from the truth; an already difficult and complex situation for research funding became significantly more complicated following the Brexit vote in June. We must not lose track of...
Amy Thompson17th August 2016
The under 30s in the UK: A generation used to not getting what they voted for
Dr Benjamin Bowman, Teaching Fellow in Comparative Politics, Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies The EU Referendum underlined a clear disconnect between the ruling elites and the electorate, writes Benjamin Bowman. Disappointment with political choices is particularly marked among...
Amy Thompson4th July 2016
After the Referendum: Picking up the bits, by Professor Graham Room
What have we learned from this referendum campaign, the passions and fears that it unleashed? Were the electorate truly energised by the question, to leave or remain, or were they asking quite other questions than that on the ballot paper? ...
Amy Thompson24th June 2016
"It ain't over till it's over."
Amy Thompson3rd June 2016
Universal income or universal divide
Dr Luke Martinelli, Research Associate Interest in universal basic income has been intensifying lately, with a discernible proliferation of opinion pieces in the mainstream press. While the reasons for the increased awareness are up for debate, it has surely been...
Amy Thompson18th May 2016
Dr Emma Carmel: 'Migration and EU membership'
Dr Emma Carmel, Senior Lecturer, Department of Social & Policy Sciences The political arguments around EU membership and migration have the qualities of children’s playdough: eye-catchingly bright, highly malleable, and good to keep us busy for a while. Unfortunately, also...
Amy Thompson6th May 2016
Dr Alim Baluch: 'Germany vs Brexit – The Reluctant Hegemon is not amused'
Dr Alim Baluch, Teaching Fellow, Dept of Politics, Languages & International Studies The German government and the German media are watching the Brexit debate very closely and Germany is taking it personally. There are, of course, many different German perspectives,...
Amy Thompson27th April 2016
Dr Paul Kennedy: Brexit: The View from Spain
Dr Paul Kennedy, Lecturer in Spanish and European Studies, Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies. With no government in place since the general election held on 20th December 2015, and successive rounds of negotiations failing to prevent another general...