James Harle
James Harle1st August 2016
Hinkley Point C and Its Implications for Energy Policy
Professor Geoffrey Hammond is Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the interdisciplinary International Centre for the Environment at the University of Bath. Britain faces major challenges in the period out to 2050. Socio-technical solutions will be required on both...
James Harle28th July 2016
Islamophobia(s) in the aftermath of the Nice attack
Dr Aurelien Mondon is Senior Lecturer in French and Comparative Politics at the University of Bath. His research focuses predominantly on elite discourse and the mainstreaming of far right politics, particularly through the use of populism and racism. Dr Aaron Winter...
James Harle22nd July 2016
Giving back control? A contradiction at the heart of Universal Credit
Professor Jane Millar is a member of the Institute for Policy Research (IPR) Leadership Team, in addition to her role as Professor of Social Policy at the University of Bath. Fran Bennett is Senior Research and Teaching Fellow in the...
James Harle18th July 2016
The Brexit referendum and the future of the EU
Dr Nicholas Startin is Senior Lecturer in French and European Politics in the University of Bath's Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies. Earlier this year, I was invited to speak at the European Ideas Network’s (EIN) annual summer school...
James Harle13th July 2016
No love on the dole
Dr Rita Griffiths is a researcher at the Institute for Policy Research (IPR). Her PhD focussed on the relationship between family structure and the UK means-tested social security system. How would you feel if, by living with your partner, you...
James Harle20th June 2016
EU Referendum Opinion Piece: Please don’t go! A plea to historical reason from an American
Dr Jon Frost is Assistant Professor of Finance at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Originally from Seattle, he is a fan of British rock music and met his (German) wife while studying in Bath. In one short week, British voters will take on...
James Harle17th June 2016
Confronting uncertainty: the changing face of risk analysis
Professor Julie Barnett, University of Bath Department of Psychology. The definition of ‘risk’ is deceptively complex. It is a contested term, but simultaneously one which has become a dominant, certainly ubiquitous, currency in 21st Century life: risk, as it is...
James Harle15th June 2016
Doing more with less: the challenges of public sector leadership
Marcial Boo, Chief Executive of The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority. Once upon a time, we were prepared to wait – and to make do. No longer. We all now expect immediate access to anything we want, and to same-day deliveries....
James Harle20th May 2016
Britain in Europe: between self-interested cynicism and narrow-minded nationalism?
Dr Theodoros Papadopoulos, Lecturer, Department of Social & Policy Sciences As part of a module I used to teach called ‘Policy and Power’, I used video extracts from the well-known 1980s series Yes Minister to spark discussion in the class. One...
James Harle19th May 2016
Emily Rempel: 'The Problem of Public Engagement, Public Policy and Public Data'
Why does public engagement with new technology matter? More to the point, why does public engagement with data matter? The collection and use of data isn’t new: in England, the state has been collecting data since at least the Domesday...