Feel like brushing up on your IT skills? New IT Training course dates, August 2015 to December 2015, are now available to book.
Collaborate using Microsoft (MS) OneNote, take one of our Wiki workshops or plan and manage projects using MS Project and MindGenius mindmapping software.
Find out about the range of courses (self-paced and tutor led) and when they are. They include:
- Windows 7
- MS Office (Word 2013, Excel 2013, Power Point 2013)
- Outlook email courses
- Outlook Calendar courses
- University software such as Agresso (Finance & Purchasing)
- Endnote X7 bibliographical software
- MindGenius mindmapping
- Corel PDF Fusion (self-paced only)
- Business Objects - run on request
- Bespoke Help Sessions
We are able to offer short one to one or small group training sessions aimed at helping you to complete specific tasks in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Endnote, so if you have a document, spreadsheet or presentation that needs formatting, a template you need help to create, a presentation to spruce up then get in touch and we can arrange a session with you.
Training for Students
Both research and taught postgraduate students are also welcome to attend our courses (some courses incur a small fee). In addition, staff can organise courses for groups of undergraduate students to help them with their studies or prepare them for placements.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or wish to book a place, email or telephone Computing Services Reception - ext 6257. The IT Training team look forward to seeing you on one of our courses soon.