Maintenance and upgrades will be taking place, during our at risk* period Tuesday 22 September 2015, 7am-9am.
The network will be undergoing maintenance. You may experience minor disruptions if you are using the Internet and any of the services below during this time. If you do, please try refreshing the page or returning after 9am. Services affected are:
- The University Website
- TeamBath website
- Webmail
- Authentication servers
- Moodle
- Registration online
- Skype for Business
- RT
- MX
Additional work also taking place during this time
- UniDesk is being upgraded to the latest software and will be unavailable (7am-9am)
- Ansys is undergoing a license server upgrade, will be unavailable (7am-9am)
- Visa is undergoing a license server upgrade and battery replacement (7am-9am). It will affect the following:
- Catia
- Cadence
- Delia
- Spartan Student
- Simio
- The Balena HPC service will be undergoing maintenance and will be unavailable (7am-9am)
*Our 'at risk' period is between 7am and 9am on Tuesdays when we carry out scheduled maintenance, modifications and testing. This work is essential to maintain and develop the services that we provide. Thank you for your patience during the maintenance period.
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