Steven Chapman
Steven Chapman20th November 2014
Aquila HPC unavailable - down for maintenance - 20th Nov
Aquila is down for maintenance due to a master node failure and issues with fail-over consequently effecting job execution. Service will resume by Friday (Nov 21) morning.
Steven Chapman8th May 2014
Aquila HPC unavailable 16:30 9th June until morning 10th June
The Aquila HPC cluster will be unavailable from 16:30 on Monday 9th June until the morning of 10th June, while essential maintenance is carried out on the /home area.
Steven Chapman18th September 2013
Aquila HPC /home area unavailable - 18 Sept 2013
The storage server which provides the /home area for the Aquila HPC has been experiencing some technical issues and as a result the /home area will be experiencing a degraded performance for the time being. To rectify the issues the...
Steven Chapman9th October 2012
Scheduler maintenance -- update - 9/10/2012
Adaptive Computing have spent three 11-hour days assisting me with the installation and configuration of the new scheduling system on the Aquila HPC facility. During these days we have made a lot of progress and resolved several unforeseen issues. However...