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Research storage update, 10 July 2015
Update, midday Fri 10 July: the issue with Research storage has been fixed. If you have any problems, please get in touch via We are aware that people are experiencing problems accessing their research data. We are investigating the...
IT services disruption this week for printing, SAMIS and
We will be carrying out maintenance and upgrades during our at risk* period (7am to 9am), Tuesday 14 July 2015. Staff and students will not be able to print to the managed print service from 7am to 9am while essential...
BeeGFS upgrade 27th - 31st July 2015
From 27th July the BeeGFS storage on the Balena HPC cluster will be undergoing an upgrade. We are expecting that Balena will be unavailable for, at most, the entire week while ClusterVision perform the upgrade. During this period there will...
SAMIS unavailable from 6pm, Tues 14 July 2015 for 2 days
SAMIS will be upgraded on the 15th and 16th of July 2015 and that means that it will be unavailable from 6pm on Tuesday the 14th of July and for the next two days. This is a significant upgrade and,...
Aquila system outage 30th June - 2nd July 2015
On the 30th June the storage server providing /apps and /data lost power and resulted in the Aquila system becoming unresponsive. This issue was fixed by reseating the power supply unit on the storage node and the storage node boot...
IT maintenance affects CMS & BUCS-WiFi, Mon & Tues 6 - 7 Jul 2015
Maintenance and upgrades will be taking place between 4pm on Monday 6 July and 10am on Tuesday 7 July 2015. Editing and publishing web pages will be unavailable during essential maintenance from 4pm on Monday 6 July to 10am on...
HPC Aquila is available
Aquila is available and stable, 5.30pm 02 July 2015. Aquila is running at reduced capacity with 76 standard nodes and the two gpu nodes. Problem summary Original problem on Tuesday, 30 June 2015, was with a power supply on one of...
HPC Aquila unavailable
The Aquila culster is still unavailable, while problems are investigated by the HPC team.
Centrally Managed Mailing Lists
We have now put in place a fix for the problems we were experiencing emailing centrally managed mailing lists (for example @buildings, @courses etc.). Individuals will now be able to send messages to these lists, however if you wish to...
Aquila storage maintenance work on 7-9am on 7th July 2015
Essential maintenance work will be performed on Aquila's home area storage on 7th July 2015, between 7-9am. While this work is being carried out Aquila will not be available or accessible. All users are required to log out before 8pm...