Serife Ustuner submits thesis
Congratulations to Serife for submitting her thesis!
Pedro Estrela appointed as Associate Editor of Biosensors & Bioelectronics
Pedro Estrela was appointed as Associate Editor of Biosensors & Bioelectronics, the most important journal in the field, currently with an impact factor of 9.5
Jahnavi Jha defends her PhD
Congratulations to Jahnavi for passing her PhD viva!
Caleb Wong defends his PhD
Congratulations to Caleb for passing his PhD viva!
Caleb Wong submits his thesis!!!
Congratulations to Caleb!
Pavel Zhurauski gets his MPhil
Congratulations to Pavel for obtaining his MPhil degree!
Naveen Singh: 4 months in Bath
Naveen Singh (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India) is doing a 4-month placement in Bath, funded by a Newton-Bhabha PhD Placement grant.
Pavel Zhurauski submits MPhil dissertation
Congratulations to Pavel for submitting his dissertation!
Jules Hammond defends his PhD
Congratulations to Jules for passing his PhD viva!
Jules Hammond submits thesis
Congratulations to Jules for submitting his thesis!