Pedro Estrela's blog
Updates from the Biosensor Research Laboratory
Latest posts
Participation at "3rd International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology"
Ed Regan, Nello Formisano, Caleb Wong and Pedro Estrela attend the 3rd International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology (Sitges, Spain, 12-15 May 2013). The group presented the papers: - Ed Regan (oral): "Enhancing impedimetric and potentiometric DNA biosensing with active sensitisers"...
International Research Mobility Award
Pedro Estrela receives an International Research Mobility Award from the University of Bath for a follow-up research visit to Rhodes University, South Africa.
Participation at "13th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry"
Pedro Estrela gives invited talks at: - 13th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Pretoria, South Africa 7-10 April 2013): "Enhancing Impedimetric and Potentiometric DNA Biosensing with Active Sensitisers" - satellite workshop Practical Electrochemical Sensors with Relevance to...
Extended visit to Rhodes University
Pedro Estrela spends 2 weeks working in the group of Prof Janice Limson at the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology, Rhodes University, South Africa (25 March – 5 April 2013). The visit was funded by the Mellon Senior Scholars...
Participation at "Bio and chemical sensors workshop"
Pedro Estrela gives invited talk at the Bio and chemical sensors workshop (Swansea, UK, 21 March 2013) organised by the Welsh Intelligent Polymer Processing Consortium for Functional Applications: "Label-Free Biosensors using Field-Effect Transistors"
New PhD student in the group
Pawan Jolly joins the group as a PhD student with a PROSENSE Marie Curie Fellowship. Project: “Electrochemical DNA-based sensor arrays for prostate cancer biomarker detection”
New final year project students in the group
New final year project students in the group: o Ioannis Anastasi (MEng): “Comparative analysis of electro wetting actuation for lab-on-a-chip biosensing applications” o Abhishek Gokhale (BEng): “Use of gold nanoparticles in electrochemical impedance biosensing measurements” o Jules Hammond (MEng): “Localized...