Sophie Whiting reflects on her teaching about peace processes using role play
Role-play: Creating an inclusive peace? Whilst teaching a final year unit Peace Processes in the Middle East and Europe, I have been impressed by the level of knowledge and historical context students bring to the classroom. Whilst the range...
Felia Allum reflects on a whole semester of organised crime roleplay
Last week, I finished teaching my Italian organised crime role play unit for the second time; there were two seminar groups, one on a thursday and one a friday. Last year, I took a leap in the dark in deciding...
Ben Bowman reflects on running a NATO simulation
In this post I wanted to write in a pretty unguarded way about how simulating a crisis for NATO has supported my teaching of an international relations unit called International Organization. International Organization is a tough course to teach....
A fly on the wall in an Organised Crime Role Play activity
I dropped into one of Felia Allum’s role play seminars last week and was truly impressed by the level of student engagement. The seminar group was divided into 4 mafia clans each with different identities but co-located in terms of...
Felia Allum reflects on how time and space impacts on teaching with role play
As teachers, we stand in a lecturer theatre or in a seminar room, and teach, lecture and seek to inspire our students as they listen to us transmitting our knowledge, our expertise and our stories. That is what we do....
Matthew Alford reflects on our recent Exploring Role Play Workshop
Today comprised an excellent set of sessions exploring the use of role play in teaching and learning with colleagues from Humanities, Social Sciences, and Engineering. I think the key aspect was the open attitude encouraged by the organisers and each...
New Ways of Teaching Organised Crime
As a teacher (Felia Allum), who researches organised crime, I wanted to re-invigorate my teaching approach and reach out more effectively to my students. In previous years, when I have taught this unit I have sought to teach my...