
  • Five typical CV errors....

    Five Typical CV Errors   I have completed quite a few quick queries with students these past six weeks and most of them are CV checks. I have read some amazing CVs and I am very impressed by the range of...

  • Where are the jobs for me? 5 tips for looking in the right place

    I'm starting to notice a theme with a number of students I have been talking to. They feel like there are plenty of jobs being advertised as well as employer events going on but there is nothing for them. There is...

  • Get your graduate job hunt on track...

    We know most of you are looking forward to the Christmas break and a bit of R&R at home. But picture this - every time you see your mum, dad, sister, granny, aunt, granddad, great uncle, next door neighbor, your cat,...

  • Being a Final Year –Managing your academic work and finding time to apply for jobs!!

    “No one warned me that my final year would be like this!” said a student that I had seen earlier this week. It’s not easy to juggle academic work and job applications deadlines, as well as find time to attend...

  • Get ahead of the game...

      It seems every year, graduate scheme applications open earlier and earlier! However as a general rule of thumb, the application period for graduate schemes starts in September 2015 and will end in December or January 2016. A significant proportion...

  • Hello September!

    It is really good to be back blogging after our wee break over the summer. This academic year is exciting in Careers - we are launching our Facebook Page (please like us!), launching a personal development programme for our female...

  • Negotiating Job Offers...

    My quick query appointment theme this week has been around negotiating offers. Job hunting in my mind is a two way process. As much as employers are looking for the right candidate, the job seeker has to also find a job...

  • Don't ruin your career in 140 characters...

    This Saturday, as part of our Careers Prep in a Day event we will be running a session on using social media to develop your career. Seriously, who could have predicted a decade ago that social media would be such...

  • Are you graduating with a 2:2?

    Getting your degree from Bath is a great achievement!  But what if your results aren't quite what you expected? Every year about 30% of graduates leave with a 2:2.   If you have found yourself in this situation and are worrying about...

  • Careers Advice from the Game of Thrones....

    Hope you all had a lovely Easter break! We know there are a number of you out there who are fans of George R . R Martins Game of Thrones books and the ever popular HBO series which kicks off...