Update on Writing to the DfE

Posted in: News and Updates

UPDATE:  It took about 3 weeks to get a response – which is what they promise, more or less.  But all it said was that there was no news, yet.  Meanwhile, I've written again – at SEEd's behest –  this time through the government's call for ideas about what to emphasise (or not), and also as part of a South West Learning for Sustainability Coalition letter to Michael Gove that's been copied to every MP in the South West.   These both urge a continuation of the policies around education and sustainability, so ...

I could stand the silence no longer, so, I've written to the Department for Education asking about its policy on sustainable schools (if it has one):

The DCSF had an excellent and enviable record on the encouragement of schools (governors / leaders / teachers / students / others) to address sustainability through "curriculum, campus and community", and evidence exists in work that the University of Bath has recently done for the DCSF (and published on the Department's website) of the benefits to students of this.

Looking at the ministerial responsibilities (set out on the new DfE website), there is no mention of sustainable schools (or sustainable development / ESD / etc), and so my question is whether this is an oversight which will soon be corrected, or whether these are responsibilities subsumed within other emphases (if so, what) – or has this emphasis (and the policy strand that supports it) been abandoned by DfE?

Despite the last of these possibilities being so extraordinary as not really to be countenanced, I should appreciate clarification about what the policy now is, and where ministerial responsibilities lie.

A reply is promised within 15 days ...

Posted in: News and Updates


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  • Hi

    Excellent idea, many people working in this field are wondering too what will happen to the sustainable schools initiative. I wonder if you got your response!

